Tribunal warns Malta Enterprise ‘law not to be used to limit transparency, accountability’
The government agency tasked with attracting foreign direct investment
IDPC tribunal rules in favour of the Shift, throws out remaining FOI appeals
The Maltese government has lost the remaining appeals it
Five years of creating positive change
Tangible change takes time. It often requires patience and
International Press Institute urges reform to Freedom of Information Act, supports legal challenge
The International Press Institute (IPI) has expressed its support
Appeals Tribunal rules in favour of international NGO, extends the right to information to non-residents
The Information and Data Protection Appeals Tribunal has ruled
Accusations of intimidation leveled at The Shift are ‘absolutely ludicrous’ – Reporters Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders has slammed a government lawyer’s assertions
The latest attempt to castrate the press
Poor little Joe Gerada doesn’t want to be accountable

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