Criminally charged mayors increase votes
Two mayors facing criminal charges of misappropriation of public
Residents object to four-storey block in Għarb overlooking Ta’ Pinu valley
A four-storey apartment block overlooking the scenic Ta’ Pinu
Portelli and clan served with stop notice hours after BCA chair’s resignation
The Gozitan rogue developers’ clan headed by construction magnate
Din L-Art Helwa Gozo welcomes refusal of development application in Gharb
Gozo residents breathed a sigh of relief following the
‘Coalition for Gozo’ calls for immediate suspension of Xlendi boathouse development
Concern about rampant over-development in Gozo is mounting rapidly,
The promise of Malta
I first came to Malta a year after it
Fireworks factory approved 300m away from legendary chapel
The Planning Authority has ignored warnings by the Superintendence

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