Indian files rogue development application to sanction Portelli’s illegal penthouses
Aqra bil-Malti The Planning Authority is evaluating the possibility
Fort Chambray transfer approved by PL and PN MPs, public will not get a cent
During a short parliamentary meeting, the government and the
Fort Chambray: Government to allow developer to make millions from transfer of public land
The government will allow Gozitan developer Michael Caruana to
Big business moves in to expand development at Fort Chambray
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Expansion plans for the further
Gozitan developer’s Naxxar sheep farm proposal latest in a string of similar applications
Gozitan developer Francesco Raniero Grima is seeking Planning Authority
Planning Authority turns Gozitan
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has replaced five of ten
Gozo apartment owners risk losses as court declares property illegal following PA blunder
A newly constructed block of apartments in Xewkija, Gozo,
Mega developers set their sights on Gozo’s Fort Chambray
A group of mega-businessmen, mainly in the construction sector,
Objections to extensive Għajnsielem development ‘sprawl into ODZ’
An application for an 18-unit residential apartment block, pool,

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