Fort Chambray: Developers say they want to add value, NGOs object
Four NGOs are encouraging members of the public to
Fort Chambray transfer approved by PL and PN MPs, public will not get a cent
During a short parliamentary meeting, the government and the
‘Millions from Fort Chambray transfer are my right’ – Michael Caruana
Gozitan businessman Michael Caruana insisted it was his right
Fort Chambray: Government to allow developer to make millions from transfer of public land
The government will allow Gozitan developer Michael Caruana to
Big business moves in to expand development at Fort Chambray
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Expansion plans for the further
Mega developers set their sights on Gozo’s Fort Chambray
A group of mega-businessmen, mainly in the construction sector,
Historic Fort Chambray remains unrestored despite PA permission
Restoration works on the historic Fort Chambray in Għajnsielem,
Chambray restoration stalled since 2015, PA took six years to issue permit
Much needed restoration works on the fortifications of Fort

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