PA to approve five more years of irregular Ta’ Qali conventions tent
The large tent structure next to the Ta’ Qali
Archbishop silent on charges faced by Curia financial committee member
Aqra bil-Malti. Archbishop Charles Scicluna is refusing to answer
The Shift among finalists for EP’s Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Journalism
An investigation by The Shift has been nominated as
President promotes Corinthia as Qatari business partner gets Maltese passport
President George Vella’s trip to Qatar in June 2022
Revolving doors: public officials who went on to serve big business
In a move that has raised eyebrows, former finance
Costly rally organised by Silvio Schembri missing in campaign expenses declaration
One of the events organised on behalf of economy
Din l-Art Helwa files objection to Marsaxlokk FC development proposal on public land
Heritage organisation Din l-Art Ħelwa (DLH) has filed an
Corinthia Hal-Ferh deal under scrutiny over potential illegal state aid
National and EU authorities are looking into the potential
Government offers Corinthia Group Ghajn Tuffieha site for €10.3 million
After more than two years of negotiations between the
Architects sound warning on changes to Ħal Ferħ development brief
As the wheels have been set in motion to

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