Energy crisis: Enemalta paying more than €10,000 an hour for generators
Enemalta is forking out more than  €10,000 an hour
Enemalta late on temporary power station as Saudi plant is ‘still in transit’
Enemalta’s mismanagement and kneejerk reactions to another energy crisis
WasteServ issues bizarre statement on court drubbing over €600m incinerator
The government entity responsible for waste management has issued
NAO unaware of shooting range settlement as PAC scrutiny begins
Officials from the National Audit Office (NAO) said they
Deal reached with Bonnici Brothers over €13 million shooting range debacle
Documents tabled in parliament indicate that the government has
Report confirms shoddy work on €13 million shooting range
A technical report by government consultant Robert Musumeci confirms
Minister deflects questions on Bonnici Brothers’ experience in power plants
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli has so far refused to
Enemalta cancels multi-million-euro tenders delaying two distribution centres
Two major electricity distribution centres, announced last year following
Second claim of foul play filed against Maghtab incinerator tender decision
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The procurement process led
Opinion: A change of plans
On 1 June, Robert Abela declared, “The PN, while
Opinion: Course correction
“If you have a proposal that’s not in line
€400 million incinerator negotiations to start soon with project three years late
The five consortia competing for a €400 million waste-to-energy
Rabat road costs shoot up by €2.2 million
The construction of a new road in Rabat cost
Why Abela’s done nothing
Why has Robert Abela completely ignored all the recommendations
150 direct orders, €3.5 million, in 6-month Water Services Corporation bonanza
The Water Services Corporation (WSC), under the guidance of
Self-serving parasitism
How can somebody with demonstrably questionable morals and a
Infrastructure Malta ordered to cancel €55 million tender awarded to Joseph Portelli
A €55 million government contract earmarked for Gozitan developer
Four bids submitted for Marsascala marina deal, as process proceeds in defiance of public outrage
Four bidders, including two consortia, have formally submitted their
Infrastructure Malta doles out further €10.5 million in direct orders in first six months of 2021
Infrastructure Malta, the state roads building agency under the
Amid controversy, €3.4 million tender to Bonnici Brothers gets published
Civil engineering and road-building company, Bonnici Brothers was awarded
Prime Minister’s ‘team member’ given €2 million in direct orders for road works
Matthew Bongailas, 32, from Fgura, who describes himself on

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