Sheep farm application coincides with applicant’s son contesting local council elections
An application submission to turn public ODZ farmland in
‘Farmer’ tries duping PA using his wife in new development application
A few years ago, the Planning Authority and the
Rogue ODZ developer in Mgarr ix-Xini plays the sheep farm card
A Gozitan who developed his Outside Development Zone land
Gozo apartment owners risk losses as court declares property illegal following PA blunder
A newly constructed block of apartments in Xewkija, Gozo,
Green light for virgin ODZ Ghasri land to be turned into a sheep farm
Virgin agricultural land of high landscape value in the
Gozo architect Alex Bigeni on livestock farm development spree
Architect Alex Bigeni, whose name is regularly associated with
Ghasri local council, residents raise concerns over poultry farm application
An application to convert an agricultural field in a
Indian business tycoon who bought 30,000sqm of Dwejra coastline becomes Maltese citizen
Vijay Kumar Berlia, an Indian business tycoon who had
Dwejra development project: Indian tycoon’s family buys Maltese citizenship
Various family members of the Indian tycoon who bought
€99,000 tender set to be awarded to architect for own clients’ project
The Gozo Ministry has found “no evidence of a
Architect given tender to supervise his clients on €9 million public project
Breaking with normal administrative procedures, Gozitan architect Alex Bigeni

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