Opposition demands government withdraw direct order on Electrogas deal
The Opposition has called on Energy Minister Michael Farrugia
Gozo Hospital staff worried about reliability of coronavirus tests
Medical personnel and patients at Sant Anna, the ward
IMF warns Malta must address anti-money laundering deficiencies in light of economic risk
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has advised Malta to
‘Unlawful and despicable’ – NGOs call for migrants in distress to be saved
Over 20 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have called on the
‘Judicial reform must be transparent’ – Vincent De Gaetano
Former European Court of Human Rights Judge Vincent De
Prestigious art prize awarded from one government agency to another
One of the Malta Art Council’s annual Premju għall-Arti
Gozo hotel application returns to Planning Directorate as architect alters design
The application for a four-storey hotel in Xagħra Square
European report highlights spike in deaths in Malta despite low mortality figures on coronavirus
Malta was mentioned by the European Centre for Disease
Name of applicant for hotel in Gozo changed again before PA hearing
An application for a hotel in Xagħra square that
Free healthcare for open centre residents, but no means of survival
All migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees living at the Ħal
‘Gozo COVID-19 case could have been avoided if patients had been relocated’
Updated Wednesday 8 April with news that a 92-year-old
Highest spike of 52 new cases of coronavirus in Malta in 24 hours
A total of 52 new cases of patients tested
Journalist Jan Kuciak’s killer sentenced to 23 years in jail
A former soldier has been sentenced to 23 years
Illegal trapping in Malta and Gozo happening for weeks – BirdLife
Hunters around Malta and Gozo took advantage of the
Chris Fearne and Silvio Schembri avoid questions on start of air ambulances
Health Minister Chris Fearne and Economy Minister Silvio Schembri
Call for prefab hospital is predetermined, potential bidders say
While the authorities announced today that the call for
Company marketing COVID-19 spyware linked to Maltese citizen arrested in US
An Israeli cyber-security company whose owner bought a Maltese
Twitter removes 20,000 fake accounts linked to government propaganda
On the 2 April, Twitter announced via one of
Data protection laws violated 30 times in 7 years, minimal fines
The violation of Data Protection Laws in Malta resulted
Legal initiative launched to aid those affected by massive data leak
Civil society organisations Repubblika and the Daphne Caruana Galizia
From China, with love…
There seems to be a direct correlation between freer
36 organisations warn food and shelter initiative is urgently needed
Thirty-six organisations said they were extremely concerned about the
Court refutes Yorgen Fenech’s claim that his arrest and detention is illegal
A judge threw out a request filed by suspected
‘Old’ data no excuse for severity of information leaked – lawyer
A massive data leak containing personal information on 75%
10 NGOs call on Prime Minister not to open hunting season
A group of 10 environmental and cultural NGOs have
A lesson in ethics
When the Shift published an article on 18 March
When is a gift, not a gift?
The issue of civil servants giving and receiving gifts
Press freedom organisations ask Venice Commission to review Hungary’s emergency law
International press freedom organisations sent an open letter to
Over 3,000 building permits extended by three years
More than 3,400 development permits due to expire this

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