Racism, a symptom of something worse
In 1995, Umberto Eco gave a lecture outlining Ur-Fascism,
‘Lack of action against Nexia BT reveals hijacking of regulatory authorities’ – Casa
The continued exemption of audit firm Nexia BT from
Italian investigative journalist receives death threat
Italian investigative journalist Marilù Mastrogiovanni has received hundreds of
‘Murders of journalists cannot be tolerated in the EU’ – Justice Commissioner
Interview by Jane Whyatt The Justice Commissioner of the
French and Maltese anti-corruption organisations request Council of Europe monitoring of MFSA
French and Maltese anti-corruption organisations called on MONEYVAL –
UPDATED: Owen Bonnici defends V18 chairman in grilling at twin capital of culture
Updated to include reaction from CEO of Leeuwarden Friesland
Simon Busuttil wins case on recusal of Judge Antonio Mizzi
Judge Antonio Mizzi’s refusal to recuse himself from a
UPDATED: EBA finds FIAU shortcomings on supervision of Pilatus Bank
Updated to include reaction from the FIAU and the
European Parliament votes in favour of improvements to work-life balance
Being able to take 10 paid days of paternity

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