The Shift’s investigation cancels plans for 40 White Flags in Seychelles
The Seychelles government has cancelled plans to have White
When ‘fake news’ comes from a DOI press release
On Saturday, the Department of Information published a government
The Jekyll and Hyde of equality
Several times in the early part of his premiership,
Individuals target Daphne Caruana Galizia protest memorial
The portrait of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, placed at
UK Foreign Office welcomes ‘Malta’s commitment to a public inquiry’
The UK Foreign Office seems to have missed the
There’s a new game in town
There’s a new game in town. Well, it’s based
Keeping scrutiny at bay
Leadership style matters. The same situation can be handled
Freedom of Information request reveals €29,000 price tag for White Flag in Gozo
A contract being published for the first time shows
Constitutional reform: The case for a process led by citizens
Guest commentary by Marion Pace Asciak, President NGO Repubblika
Can you hear it?
Guest commentary by Tom Welch “Can you hear it?

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