€17 million in public industrial land given to property developer to sub-lease

INDIS Malta approves use of public land as collateral for bond issue


A large parcel of public land in Hal Far designated strictly for manufacturing has been allocated to a property developer to be turned into a sprawling development, with substantial parts of it to be sub-leased.

The multimillion-euro deal was struck between INDIS Malta – the state agency responsible for the administration of public industrial land and Josef Dimech – the majority shareholder of JD Holdings Ltd who is also involved in the aluminium business.

The deal is also being used as collateral for a bond issue in which the developer is seeking to raise funds for the project.

According to the prospectus of the €11 million bond issue currently floated on the market by JD Capital plc, once the development on public land is realised, the company will be able to “generate substantial revenue to the group” from the rentable property area.

In a departure from established rules, INDIS Malta has agreed that the large industrial plot is to be used to conduct business with third parties not strictly related to Dimech’s manufacturing business.

Crucially, INDIS Malta also allowed Dimech to use the public land, which he revalued at €17 million, as a collateral guarantee for the bond issue.

Part of the bond prospectus saying that public land is being used for unrelated business.

In the prospectus, Dimech states that the deal with the government, which has so far been kept under wraps, was reached in 2018 through a 65-year temporary emphyteusis concession endorsed by INDIS Malta.

The law and Dimech’s project

According to the law, the government can allocate public land on its industrial estates to investors strictly for manufacturing purposes. The allocation is usually tied to the number of conditions including the number of new employment opportunities the new enterprise will be generating.

The law stipulates that an ‘investor’ is to use the public land only for manufacturing activities and no other activity, including storage, is normally allowed. Tenants are forbidden from subleasing the allocated land, factory or parts of it and can only do so with the written permission of INDIS Malta. Under normal circumstances sub-leasing is not permitted.

The Shift has already reported how in recent years, INDIS Malta has lowered its enforcement bar and is permitting abuse across many industrial estates with sub-leasing and allowing businesses not connected to manufacturing.

But this latest episode, including the allocation of industrial land to Dimech for sub-lease is being considered by experts as a step too far and completely unorthodox.

Josef Dimech and other connections

Better known for his aluminium business, Josef Dimech started working in wrought iron at the age of 16, together with his father, from a small garage in Msida.

A decade later, at the age of 25, he branched out into large scale aluminium manufacturing and property development, turning over a revenue of some €11 million a year by 2016.

His only other shareholder in JD Holdings Ltd, with less than 2%, is lawyer Stanley Portelli – a former Transport Malta CEO.

Apart from his many aluminium and property development Dimech also recently became a shareholder of Business 2 Business Ltd, a PR and marketing company controlled by Saviour Balzan, the co-owner of Malta Today.

Balzan’s company was also allocated a factory by the government a few years ago in Mosta at a subsidised rate and which is still unutilised.

Asked to state whether he has conducted any property business with Dimech during the last few years, particularly on a seafront apartment in Ta Xbiex, Minister Silvio Schembri, responsible for INDIS Malta refused to reply.

Schembri, known for his close connections with property developers, has recently been outed by The Shift as using properties developed by Paul Attard of GAP Developments and Anton Camilleri known as Tal-Franciz as his constituency offices.

He has refused to declare whether he is paying any rent for the use of those properties.


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10 months ago

Tal ghageb vera Gvern imnejjek.
Gvern li bit taxxi taghna lkoll qed ihallas il miljuni biex ikollu mhazen mikrija mill privat sabiex jahzen il medicini ta’ Mater Dei.
Gvern li ghalina lkoll ma jridx jinvesti biex ikomplu jgawdu u jithanzru l hbieb tal hbieb !

10 months ago

Why don’t we get a lawyer to take INDIS to court and report the crime to the police at the same time . We can Crowd Fund.

Last edited 10 months ago by makjavel
10 months ago

This is the same person who took from 15 families of Triq Il-Kan Karmenu Pirotta 6 feet from our road without until today no compensation after lobbying with Transport Malta and the Planning Authority. Now we understand why these authorities agreed to narrow the road by 6 feet. Now I understand why 92% of the Maltese agree that Corruption is the rule the day.

D. Borg
D. Borg
10 months ago

Unless the party in Opposition (supposedly blessed with lawyers) is biding its time to perpetrate similar abuses….
one would reasonably expect that a Court case is filed to block such profiteering from public assets and exemplary fines lambasted on the public officers entrusted with the management of the public assets concerned.

10 months ago

X misthija ta pajjiz! Hawn xi hadd qed jahseb li l gvern jaghti art pubblika lil privat hekk ta xejn?? Jahasra! Kollha mdahlin! Hekk qed jaghmluhom l miljuni l politici!! Fejn hu l poplu?? Hadulek kollox! Artek, liberta, gustizzja….kollox! Ma baqalek xejn!!

10 months ago

SO how is it that ‘the people” cannot take this decision to court and have it annulled?
Or is it that the opposition has already taken donations from these people?

Last edited 10 months ago by adriang
10 months ago

Noting new from Silvio same issue
in marsa ind estate property given to burmarad commercial and not for manufacturing.

Maria C. Xuereb
Maria C. Xuereb
10 months ago

Il miljunarji jmexxu il partit tal haddiema . X paradoss?

10 months ago

To find a piece of land and some money to do a race track is a big deal for governments we got old waiting with promises over 30 years but where they can gain commissions €€ everything is possible Shame on You we should stand for our rights and not letting politicians treating people like idiots.

Daniel Agius
Daniel Agius
10 months ago

JDimech is one big labour party sponsor. Only if someone could check his accounts for the past 10 years. Even though, we all know that such business thrives on black economy.

10 months ago

Good to have (corrupt) friends, isn’t it!

9 months ago

This guy is one BIG Labour sponsor. As with every PL sponsor, he benefits from guaranteed returns. Direct orders, government projects (financed from public funds) and an eye closed on the long list of legal infringements around all aspect of business one can imagine.

N Scerri
N Scerri
9 months ago

X tistenna minn entita mmexxija mill assistent tal korrott tas sena.Siefru wahedom bla media jiffirmaw ix xiri tal gas mill Azerbaijan wara li tghidx kemm tkazaw bl iskandlu taz zejt u lil istess nies taz zejt ma requhomx u baqghu ituhom il kuntrattu taht il Labour.

9 months ago

How is INDIS being used by a reckless government to allocate public land to private Companies for housing development? Surely this policy goes against the purpose for which this INDIS quango was set up! Government should be transparent in its dealings. It has created too many loopholes for greedy businessmen to get fat on the crazy demand for building projects which are not really needed in these overpopulated islands where capitalists grow rich overnight at the expense of the majority of ‘underdogs’ that are being impovershed and robbed of the quality of life they deserve

Last edited 9 months ago by Emmanuel

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