PA recommends approval for Gozo Ministry’s ‘incompatible’ Xwejni horse

The new sculpture will create a coastal ‘landmark’, according to the Planning Authority, and it just might be right in that respect.


A controversial five-metre equestrian-themed bronze sculpture commissioned by the Gozo Ministry and set to mar the remote, pristine coastal landscape of Xwejni is being recommended for approval by the Planning Authority.

The recommendation for approval of the artwork, which has already cost taxpayers around €250,000, comes despite strong objections from the Environment and Resources Authority, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and the PA’s own Design Advisory Committee.

But ignoring the objections, including that the statue would be “completely incompatible and out of place” on the Xwejni coastline, the Planning Authority’s directorate has recommended the approval of the Gozo Ministry’s application.

In the PA’s view, the sculpture will create a new “landmark” on Gozo’s picturesque coast. But the PA’s directorate failed to address the negative impacts the bronze statue, which will be anchored into the untouched rock just 60 metres away from the seaside, is expected to cause.

Despite various attempts by the Gozo Ministry, which is paying artist Austin Camilleri handsomely for his ‘Wiehed’ abstract sculpture, to have the authorities withdraw their objections, all three dug in their heels and insisted the sculpture in the middle of nowhere is completely out of place and will create an eyesore.

Austin Camilleri

The PA’s Design Advisory Committee said, “While appreciating the artistic qualities of the design of the sculpture, (the DAC) is however of the opinion that given the pristine location of the site in question, it should be relocated to a more urban section of the coast, or even inland.”

ERA came out even more forcefully, noting the site in question forms part of a protected Natura 2000 site and a Special Conservation Area and Special Protection Area.

According to the ERA, the proposed monument “is considered out of context and incompatible with the natural surroundings and the pristine coastal landscape”.

Moreover, the ERA also labelled it as “objectionable from an environmental point of view”.

The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage was of a similar opinion and twice reiterated that “the site of the proposed development is located within a very prominent location with unobstructed views of a surrounding pristine landscape.

The area of Xwejni earmarked for the odd installation. Image: Planning Authority

“The proposed installation would be an incompatible addition to the surrounding natural, rural and cultural landscape”.

But despite all the objections, the PA is still recommending that the Gozo Ministry gets its permit.  A final decision is now slated for 6 June.

The proposed project has attracted a number of other objections with many calling it “a waste of money” and an unwanted pull factor toward the remote area’s pristine environment.

The owners of the area’s salt pans, who have been working them for decades on end, have also claimed the spot the ministry earmarked for the statue is their private property, which the ministry disputes.

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Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
1 year ago

It seems that the PA too, like the two horses joined at the neck, has lost its communal head.

1 year ago

Exactly what I thought to that is why so many wrong things happening no heads no brains.

Terry Flanagan
Terry Flanagan
1 year ago

Why not do a “bag of salt” sculpture if you insist on throwing good money away? Would be more apt than a bloody horse anyway!!

1 year ago

money dished out to trolls from the muvument korrott is not called waste of money but CORRUPTION MONEY. Hope this will not be stolen as the British-period stone border marker stolen by anton refalo to be placed near his pool to be enjoyed by his family and fiends.
Le veru qieghdin tahdmu l’Malta u zgur m’intomx tahdmu ghall-Malta.

  • Shame.
1 year ago

I suggest this monstrosity is called “la kap u lanqas kuda”

Carmel Cilia
Carmel Cilia
1 year ago

How true is the old Greek saying viz: they who the gods would destroy would first make great with power.

1 year ago

Min nies bla ras ghal zwiemel bla ras ghal ghal pajjiz bla rjus.
Daqs ta Hal Luqa insomma.

Alexander Soler
Alexander Soler
1 year ago

Money down the drain . Can t see the horse anyway.😥

1 year ago

B din l iskultura f dan il post tant naturali, l ARTIST qed juri bi car l arroganza egoistika tieghu, fejn qed ipoggi lewwel il glorja personali tieghu qabel dan il post tant innocenti u fejn ghadu s issa intatt mill bniedem……iva l ARTIST meqjus minn hafna, bhalal iktar wiehed importanti hawn Malta….. irid jiddomina in natura bl arti tieghu, fl opinjoni tieghi mill aktar vulgari u oxxena nieqsa minn kull rispett lejn dan il bill ideskrivih bhala ‘site specific’ u xejn iktar u b hekk irnexilu jigustifika li ghandu dritt ihawwel il bronz monstruz gol blat hajj li kien hemm bi kwietu minn qabel ma gie lewwel bniedem fuq din il gzira.
Ghaziz Austin, int taf sew min Jien studjajna flimkien Perugia 1993-95 erga lura minn din l idea li bija minghalik trid turi kemm int umli mal poplu malti u li tkun lewwel ARTIST li jirnexilek tpoggi xogholok fis solitudni ta dik in natura pura, halli dak il post tant sabieh u semplici kif inhu, indisturbat mill idea orribli u dominabli tieghek……ghax jekk le int zgur ser tibqa mmfakkar bhala l ARTIST li wettaq l ikbar kriminu fin natura.

Joseph Said
Joseph Said
1 year ago

Din id-darba Austin Camilleri m’ghandux kompetituri bhal meta rebah il-kompetizzjoni ghal monument f’gieh ir-Republika. Dan sa fejn naf jien qatt ma sar. Kien issugerit mil-artist stess li kellu jsir f’post vicin sant Iermu. Il-flus izda ghaddej xorta wahda.
Austin ghandu ossesjoni ghaz-zwiemel b’numru ta’ saqajn mhux normali. Kont inkun aktar kuntent li kieku ssugerixxa nies b’hafna hluq!!

Elizabeth Zammit Lupi
Elizabeth Zammit Lupi
1 year ago

Such a special conservation area should be UNTOUCHED. If us Maltese know the meaning of that word. It could be the most glorious statue, but here the only glory is the natural landscape!

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