The Planning Authority has refrained from taking legal action against Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo over allegations of illegal activities at his new luxury hotel in Qala, Gozo.
Aerial photos of the minister’s hotel, built on Outside Development Zone (ODZ) land, reveal that a large field adjacent to his property has recently been bulldozed and transformed into an illegal parking lot for hotel guests.
No permits were ever requested for this development, and the land in question does not appear to be owned by Refalo, indicating it may belong to the public.
Despite Refalo himself posting pictures of the illegal works and numerous cars parked in the makeshift lot on his hotel’s website, inspections on-site by Planning Authority officials yielded no results.
Inspectors admitted that the photos included several vehicles parked in the bulldozed area. Still, they claimed they found nothing during two separate visits.
In response to questions by The Shift, the Authority’s spokesperson stated, “Further to your query, kindly note that the photo provided indicates that vehicles have been parked on this land parcel. However, during investigations carried out by the Planning Authority on 6 and 7 February, it transpired that no vehicles were parked there at the time of the inspections.”
Neighbours and frequent visitors to the area told The Shift the Planning Authority’s response was “surreal” and “a slap in the face of the rule of law.”
The hermit’s project
Refalo’s hotel, l-Eremita, opened last year. The minister, known for his real estate interests, acquired the 2,000-square-metre property with his wife in the early 1990s. At that time, it consisted of just a small agricultural building on the outskirts of Qala.

Minister Anton Refalo’s or, rather, his wife’s 80% EU-funded ‘yoga-meditation’ hotel outside Qala, Gozo.
Over the years, the building was expanded gradually through repeated illegal modifications, which the Planning Authority later sanctioned under both political administrations.
The minister and his wife also obtained approximately €300,000 in EU funds, covering 80% of their farmhouse renovation expenses to convert it into a “yoga and meditation” hotel.
However, there have been no known yoga sessions at the hotel. Brussels is currently investigating the use of EU funds.
The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) insisted that the illegal construction should not be permitted, yet the Refalos proceeded as planned.
The hotel is managed by the minister’s son, Andre, who was responsible for inadvertently revealing a stolen Victorian-era marker inside one of his father’s villas by posting a picture on social media.

The minister’s daughter Simona Refalo, posing with her brother at their father’s home in Qala, where a stolen artefact was revealed.
No charges were ever filed against Refalo for the stolen marker, despite his claim that he returned it to the authorities. He has never explained how the stolen marker, protected by national heritage laws, ended up at his home.
The Opposition should be raising hell…. Where are the environment and planning “spokespersons”? Comatose at best, they couldn’t care less.-
Opposizzjoni??much of the same! Taf x qalilna Alex Borg fuq Chambray?? Progett ta kwalita li ghandna bzonnu!! Tal blih!! M hawnx fejqan! Kollha wara haga wahda biss…flussss u addio pajjizna li niftahru kemm hu sabih u kemm inhobbu! Qatta mafia!
Ain’t seen nothin’ first time;
ain’t seen nothing second time.
Don’t ask me nothin’
ain’t sayin’ nothin’.
Gozo grapevine. maybe?
They looked the other way. They risk their job if they look the right way. With this law anyone can get away with murder.