Health minister silent on €67,000 donation to nurses union

Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela has refused to explain why his ministry donated over €67,000 to the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses (MUMN) or whether the payment was an attempt to maintain the union’s silence.

According to a 2024 list of donations by the Health Department, the government allocated €67,562 to the MUMN. However, when PN MP Ryan Callus raised questions about the donation in parliament, he was not provided with an explanation.

The Shift sought clarification from Minister Abela on how the donation was used and whether other health-related unions received similar financial support.

The minister did not disclose the purpose of the payment or confirm whether Health Permanent Secretary Joseph Chetcuti had approved it.

Changing dynamics between MUMN and government

For years, relations between the MUMN and the health ministry were tense. The union—led by Paul Pace—adopted a militant stance and frequently threatened strike action.

This confrontational approach appears to have softened in recent months, coinciding with Pace facing a criminal investigation over the alleged misappropriation of thousands of euro in payments he received.

Notably, in January, at the height of a dispute between the Medical Association of Malta (MAM) and Minister Abela, the MUMN unexpectedly aligned with the government.

When MAM issued directives instructing its members to halt services at public health centres, Pace intervened, ordering nurses to continue working.

Concerns over financial irregularities

The donation to the MUMN comes just weeks after a January report by the National Audit Office (NAO) exposed abuses of public funds allocated to the union.

The audit revealed that officials and members of the MUMN had misused government funds intended for a recruitment marketing campaign, instead diverting the money for unauthorised travel.

Despite these irregularities, the health ministry and its permanent secretary approved the release of these funds—sometimes years after the questionable travel took place.

The NAO raised concerns about the oversight and verification of these funds, which amount to approximately €70,000 annually.

The Shift has previously reported that Paul Pace repeatedly misused public funds, claiming tens of thousands of euro in unauthorised overtime at Mount Carmel Hospital while on holiday.

An internal health ministry investigation confirmed Pace’s misconduct. However, instead of facing dismissal, he was merely required to reimburse part of the misappropriated funds and was handed a brief suspension.

Despite the serious allegations and official findings, Pace has not been charged by the police, nor has he been removed as president of the MUMN by union members.

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3 days ago

Just another day in Mafialand.

Paul Berman
Paul Berman
3 days ago

How nice of him to give away money which is not his or was it a personal donation?

Mark Amaira
Mark Amaira
3 days ago

Ministru Minestra ieħor dan bil-mentalità tal-għerien.

Tista’ please twieġeb Ministru fejn qed tarmi flusna u terfa’ daqsxejn responsabbiltà?

P montebello
P montebello
3 days ago

Nahseb li waslet l elezzjoni u l gvern qieghed iqassam kemm jista biexnjixtri jew jisraq l elezzjoni. Dawn il flus lil Union. Flus lil.min ghandu karozza biex inehhiha. Flus liz zghazagh biex ma jgibux il licenzja ghalissa (times of malta illum). Ha nissuggerixxi wahda jien. Ahna l anzjani ninghataw e2000 fis sena jrw xi haga izjed biex inkunu nistghu nsiefru. Jekk minix sejjer zball darba kienet saret offerta simili liz zghszagh.

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