Lands Minister shifts responsibility for illegal Ta’ Xbiex Capitainerie

Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi refused to tell parliament what the government plans to do about the capitainerie at the Ta’ Xbiex Gardens marina, which was declared illegal by the Court of Appeal.

Questions raised by PN MP Albert Buttigieg about whether the government planned to return the illegally occupied area to the public went unanswered as Minister Zrinzo Azzopardi insisted that his colleague, Transport Minister Chris Bonett, should answer.

The waterfront area is public land managed by the Lands Authority and was given to Transport Malta to use as part of the privatised Gardens Marina.

Insisting on a reply from the lands minister, Buttigieg pressed Zrinzo Azzopardi to state his ministry’s intention and whether he had issued an order for Transport Malta to return the land to the public.

Frustrated with the pressure, Zrinzo Azzopardi said, “there are procedures which should be followed.” He provided no further details.

The Shift is informed that ongoing construction works have stopped following the Chief Justice’s decision a few weeks ago declaring the permit illegal and annulled.

The marina management planned to use the capitainerie as a waterfront restaurant.

Transport Malta and its CEO listed as responsible for work on the capitainerie in Ta’ Xbiex.

While work on the capitainerie building has stopped, there has been no move to take it down.

Transport Malta, officially responsible for the project, and the private owners of the marina concession have refused to reply to questions on the project’s future.

Despite being the designated project owner, Transport Malta CEO Kurt Farrugia has insisted that he had nothing to do with the illegal permit. He, too, did not answer questions on the way forward.

On their part, the businessmen behind the Gardens Marina, CEO Matthew Fiorini Lowell and project owners Paul and Mark Gauci, have also fallen silent.

Prime Minister Robert Abela berths his yacht at the same marina.

The Planning Authority has not yet issued an enforcement order to remove the illegal structure.

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3 days ago

Bilfors li sid ir restaurant wiehed li jithanzer, ghax maghna z zghar tapplika l ligi mil ewwel.jaq

Paul Pullicino
Paul Pullicino
3 days ago

Accountability. Its either the know nothing of Sgt.Schultz or the nonsense reply of Little Britain.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
3 days ago

“Transport Malta, officially responsible for the project, and the private owners of the marina concession have refused to reply to questions on the project’s future”

How absolutely typical of this ‘Merdoso’ Authority. It knows nothing else but how to bully the weak and appease the apartchiks!

3 days ago

Why is a Bonello Dupuis involved with this project? Are there any PN connections?

3 days ago
Reply to  Mikey

Obviously, politicians are always after any money they could take

Hamish Dempster
Hamish Dempster
3 days ago

Never, in my long lifedo I recall of a newly illegal construction has ever been knocked down to its original state, maybe this could be a first. I walk along that front and it’s horrendous.

Mark Debono
Mark Debono
3 days ago

I can assure it will not be a first on this one unfortunately as these 2 are well connected as you can see by being gifted the land and the tax payers building their restaurant?

2 days ago

Eeeeeeeeee ara kieku għandek negozju tal-familja li jipprova jaqla’ lira biex il-familja tgħix…. dwaru mill-ewwel jieħdu passi…

Jew xi ħadd ikollu xi 800euros x’jagħti lil tat-taxxa, lil dak malajr ibamblulu multa…


Last edited 2 days ago by Mark
El Flagell
El Flagell
2 days ago

Why is George Bonello Dupuis in this project? Surely members of the RMYC, where he is a Rear Commodore, should query this glaring conflict of interest. Is he forming a new Yacht Club to compete with the RMYC and its principal mode of income, its restaurant? At least the RMYC has a heavily subsidized sailing school. What do Gardens Marina and George give back. Its time RMYC start asking questions and taking action about this glaring conflict of interest. You cannot serve in an organisation and try and cripple it at the same time.

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