Works on restaurant for PM’s friends start despite pending appeal

The restaurant is being built using public funds and handed over to a private company


Transport Malta will not wait for the conclusion of an appeal against its permit to build a luxury water’s edge restaurant disguised as a Capitanerie in Ta’ Xbiex, despite the prime minister’s promise in 2023 of a new law disallowing development projects to start before an appeal is decided.

While the prime minister is still to present his new law, announced more than a year and a half ago, contractors B&B construction of Naxxar, on behalf of Transport Malta, started works on the new building, taking up an access road and part of Gzira’s only garden.

The restaurant, being built through public funds, is to be delivered to the owners of Gardens Marina Ltd upon completion. The company, which manages the 25-year concession of the marina is owned by very close friends of Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia.

Known as tal-Gedida, siblings Paul and Mark Gauci from Birkirkara obtained the marina concession from Transport Malta in 2018, following a tender.

So far, Transport Malta has refused to explain why the Capitanerie, which is part of the concession, is not being built by the private investors themselves and not by Transport Malta.

Paul and Mark Gauci, better known as Tal-Gedida.

According to the plans approved by the Planning Authority in 2022, which faced hundreds of objections, the Capitanerie – primarily intended to host the offices of the marina’s operating company – will actually host a large restaurant.

The plans show that while the one-storey building will have an 89-square-metre office space, the rest of the building consists of an indoor restaurant of 160 square metres, with an added outside dining area of 175 square metres and a shop of 13 square metres.

These will all be passed onto the owners of Gardens Marina Ltd for commercial use. Sources told The Shift that the Gauci siblings had already entered a commercial agreement to lease the restaurant and bar areas to a third party.

Apart from Paul and Mark Gauci, FL Yachting Ltd and Intermanagement Ltd, represented by Matthew Fiorini Lowell and Patrick Satariano, are also shareholders in the marina’s operating company.

Gardens Marina started operations in 2019 and is paying some €220,000 in yearly concession fees to the government.

According to its latest accounts, it registered a loss of almost €200,000 in 2021 despite a turnover of €613,000.

The prime minister and his friends

Paul and Mark Gauci are two well-known businessmen carrying their late father’s nickname, tal-Gedida, a successful businessman primarily in real estate and second-hand automobile sectors.

Their relationship with Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife goes back years, even though the Gauci family was known in Birkirkara to be staunch Nationalists until Labour was elected to power in 2013.

The Gauci brothers run several businesses and are mostly known for their large automobile showroom on Birkirkara’s Valley Road. There, they run Gauci Automobiles Company Ltd, which sells luxury cars.

Just a few years ago, part of their large showroom was leased, through direct order, to government agency INDIS Malta – at the time under the political clout of Chris Cardona, who used to be elected from the Birkirkara district.

Charlene Gauci (red circle), partner of Mark Gauci with Lydia Abela during a celebrity dinner at Forte dei Marmi in Tuscany last August, as reported by LovinMalta.

Paul and Mark Gauci, along with Prime Minister Robert Abela, own large luxury yachts and spend many weeks together touring the Mediterranean during the summer, particularly the Marina di Ragusa in Sicily. They are also close family friends, frequently seen together dining with their partners in various restaurants.

Last August, Lydia Abela was spotted attending a luxury dinner at tenor Andrea Bocelli’s hotel in Forte dei Marmi in Tuscany. She was accompanied by the partner of Mark Gauci, Charlene.

Robert and Lydia Abela also regularly frequent Sky Spirit, a gym in Luqa owned by the Gaucis.


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1 day ago

Crooks in suits the only way in Mafialand.

1 day ago

Is there any shadow of decorum left in this country?

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
16 hours ago
Reply to  Tony


Franco Vassallo
Franco Vassallo
1 day ago

Paul Gauci is the same person who illegally demolished part of villa st Ignatius in St. Julians with the Planning Authority’s blessing. Planning Authority rewarded him by approving a permit for the conversion of this landmark building into a 64 bed hotel restaurant and hall in an area designated as a residential area in the local plan. The permit was issued notwithstanding scheduling procedures are pending. It all makes sense now why he was never prosecuted and why the permit was issued against the local plan.Even Mr Camilleri had to ask that the local plan is changed for the villa Rosa Development, not however for Mr Gauci. The permit is subject to an appeal by Din L-Art Ħelwa residents and local councils.

1 day ago

taf tisthi robber. il-poplu Malti qieghed jigi ttradut mill-mafia maltija mmexxija mill-muvument korrott bil-headquarters f’kastija kif kien stqarr Dr.Simon Busuttill li l-akbar pm fl-istorja ta malta jm ried li jeziljah.

C. Fenech
18 hours ago
Reply to  carlos

Anke fi zmien Gvern Nazzjonalista, il-korruzzjoni u l-Mafia f’Kastilja kienet, qisek skoprejt l-Amerka

Frank Galea
Frank Galea
1 day ago

Built from public funds and handed over to a private company? Never in my life have I heard of such an obscenity! First of all there is an appeal pending and works cannot start before the appeal is decided! Secondly since when Public Funds started to be used to finance a private project? Enough is enough Mr Prime Minister! First we had the Vitals saga where over €400 million were robbed from the Public Funds, then we had the Roads Project where €700 million were supposed to be invested in the rebuilding of roads, then we had the rackets of the Social Benefits, the issuing of Driving Licences and recently that of issuing ID Cards (duplicate and false) against payments! All these scandals with money literally robbed from Public Funds! Where is the EU Commissioner against corruption? Peter Agius and David Casa invite this person NOT to come to Malta and hold discussions with the Government BUT with the Opposition, the constituted bodies and the general public to have a TRUE picture of the present situation in our country!!

4 hours ago

It is a real shame and when there are protrsts more people should be present The PL always make a mess of things but the role never learn . Many wanted a change and my we were given a total messy one . I do hope that now many of those who supported this Gov have opened their eyes after all the things that have happened. I say that if people vote again for this corruption they are betraying their country so wake up and open your eyes to see the truth.

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