Ship carrying highly explosive cargo still en route to Malta

A damaged Malta-flagged vessel carrying explosive Russian cargo is en route to Malta despite government denials.

The Malta-registered MV Ruby is loaded with 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate from Russia, which is the same type of material that caused the largest man-made non-nuclear explosion ever in Beirut on 4 August 2020, which cost the lives of 218 people.

The Ruby has almost seven times as much ammonium nitrate on board as that which exploded at the time.

“If this ship were to explode, it would be by far the largest accident involving ammonium nitrate in history,” Newsweek quoted explosives expert Roland Alford as saying. “The explosive power of this amount of ammonium nitrate is roughly equivalent to the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.”

Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, and Denmark have rejected the vessel as it sought refuge for repairs after it was damaged by a storm en route from Russia. The ship sustained damage to its propeller, hull, and rudder.

Tracking data shows the vessel is due to reach Malta on 8 October. It is being assisted by another Malta-flagged anchor-handling vessel, Amber II.

The vessel, Ruby, is en route to Malta. Photo: Vessel Finder.

The Transport Minister said the vessel would be denied entry unless it disposed of its cargo. Yet, according to its Automatic Identification System (AIS), the vessel has not changed course. On Tuesday, the ship requested permission to enter Malta.

Ritzau news agency reported that the Danish Maritime Authority instructed the ship to sail to Malta to unload its cargo before continuing its journey for repairs at a nearby shipyard after refusing permission to sail through Danish waters.

Several countries bordering the North and Baltic Seas are closely monitoring the vessel’s route because of its cargo. The Maltese government said it was communicating with the ship’s crew.

Ammonium nitrate is primarily used as a main component of fertilizers but can also be used as an explosive. The fact that it departed from Russia has raised suspicions.


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8 hours ago

Maltese flag, where should it stop?

5 hours ago
Reply to  Mirk.p

Tow it to the middle of the Atlantic and blow it up.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Mirk.p

No other ports want to touch it!

A. Fan
A. Fan
4 hours ago

Syrian owner(s) and crew, explosive Russian cargo, looking to enter an EU port (allegedly for repairs)… what could possibly go wrong?

2 hours ago
Reply to  A. Fan

Will the shit hit the Fan A!

2 hours ago

Have no idea why the hassle and bustle about this. Malta gets deliveries of the same product.

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