Team Malta at Paris Olympics has more officials than athletes

Flights and accommodation for eight officials in Paris paid for by taxpayers


Team Malta – as the Maltese contingent representing the island at the ongoing Paris Olympics has been dubbed by the Maltese Olympic Committee (MOC) – is gaining some unwanted attention from different sports associations, not because of results but because the team has more officials than athletes.

Malta’s representation in the actual games is strikingly low this year, with only five athletes in four disciplines: shooting, judo, athletics, and swimming. However, the delegation includes eight officials, all members of the MOC’s executive committee.

The last time Malta had only five athletes was in the 2012 London Games.

Nigel Mc Carthy is the only executive member of the MOC who is not spending weeks in Paris, courtesy of the Maltese taxpayer. The rest of the committee members have somehow found a role in Team Malta to be physically present at the games.

These are President Julian Pace Bonello, Secretary General Kevin Azzopardi, Deputy President Paul Sultana in the role of chef de mission, Director of Sport Charlene Attard, Media Director Maria Vella Galea, and another two members, David Azzopardi and Johanna Grech, whose role in Paris is undefined.

In addition, another MOC executive member, Lucianne Attard, was put on the medical team of the contingent so that she could also be present for the Paris Games.

“This is a very top-heavy contingent made up of more MOC committee members than actual athletes,” a member of a top local association told The Shift.

“Instead of trying to widen Malta’s participation in more disciplines and get more athletes to Paris, we have the ridiculous situation of too many captains and not enough crew in what should be a top sporting event,” a former MOC committee member said.

Most of the funds used by the MOC to finance Team Malta’s participation at the Paris Games are from state coffers, including a €5 million grant issued by the NSDF in 2023 from the cash-for-passports scheme supposedly to prepare Maltese athletes for the games.

Sources close to the MOC conceded that while it was true that Team Malta was too heavy on the officials’ side, this is not the first time that such things have happened.

Polemics on Malta’s delegations to the Olympic games are not new.

In 2008, when the games were held in Beijing, China, Parliamentary Secretary Clyde Puli hit the headlines for spending 16 days at the Chinese games, touring venues together with members of his family.

At the time, the parliamentary secretary had justified his long presence at the games by saying he was there to support Maltese athletes. He had also insisted that the costs related to his wife and son were paid through private funds.

Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife Lydia also took the opportunity to fly to Paris for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics last Friday. They were invited by French President Emmanuel Macron and the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach.


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1 month ago

Probably two were extra. Dr Lucienne attard is a sports medicine specialist so her place is surely justified.

Why not do an article how the secretary general is an elected member of the MOC executive against its own statue, after all he is a manager in sports within education department. Clear violation and massive conflict of interest!

Spazju mudlam
Spazju mudlam
1 month ago
Reply to  Sportguru

X’qed tghid? Lucienne hi l-iktar persuna fl-univers li ghandu kunflitti ta’ nteress. Mhemmx board li ma poggietx fuqu nazzjonali jew le. Hallina tridx. Ghax ma jirrezenjax kulhadd? Pudini shan ghamiltu. U riziltati tal-hara.

Olympic solidarity fund igawdu minnu nies li laqqas biss marru huma mbaghad ghal Olympics (hlief ghal wahda).

1 month ago
Reply to  Spazju mudlam

Ghala mhux veru sports specialist. Mela liema tabib kellu jitla?

1 month ago
Reply to  Sportguru

Iccekkja l-fatti habib u halluh jahdem bi kwietu. Xejn ma gab bidliet pozittivi kemm ilu li lahaq hu u dejjem vicin taghna l-federazzjonijiet. Kunflitt t’interess ghandu haddiehor fil-kumitat, javvicina lill-atleti biex ikun l-kowc taghhom u jithallas il-belli liri. Jew l-vici, insejt sena ilu xamel? Niezel qabad jaghti fil-coirt ta’ qali kontra l-barranin? Dak ezempju eh….

1 month ago
Reply to  yes4xamma

Xghandu xjaqsam- jekk qieghed hemm kontra l-istatut u b’ovvju kunflitt ta interess. Hu jahdem ghal gvern mela ghal entita indipendenti li ghandha tkun il-muviment Olimpiku Malti!!!!

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 month ago
Reply to  Sportguru

“Deputy President Paul Sultana in the role of chef de mission” – a pure Labour lackey…..????? But hey, Paris is a jolly place to be!

1 month ago
Reply to  Sportguru


Here are some more…..

Ms. Media Bombshell getting paid by different national federations and pushing their agenda.
Director of Sport also in charge of granting sports leave from work to whom she deems fit.
Youth Director owning her own table tennis club and trying to screw the rest.
Finance Director has no financial background but seems to be an expert in doing so when running his own private summer sports school and school sport body.
These are facts!!!

1 month ago
Reply to  ginascrew

Interesting – so we don’t send up officials that actually work in sport, just keyboard warriors.
If an official was involved in behaviour not representative of a member of the Olympic movement, then he or she should have been sanctioned.

1 month ago
Reply to  ginascrew

If you are talking about Ms Johanna Grech as a Youth director – get your facts straight. She is not owning any club, she is a volunteer there, it actually costs her money and time to help kids to appreciate sports and give them a decent sports education.
And if you have any fact who she actually screwed somehow – just speak out. Don’t throw these accusations into a vain and let people defend themselves.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sportguru

Dr Lucienne Attard is the best sports medicine doctor we have in Malta, who else would be able to this job better for our athletes? They are training a competing in heat and rain, they have to obey the antidoping rules, they have to be prevented of injuries and illnesses and it must be treated. So your comment is completely out of line

Mark Debono
Mark Debono
1 month ago

Mind you that’s 8 places at the trough at home going going gone oh sorry that was quick ezl and glen took the spare space.

1 month ago

Don’t forget when Muscat’s wife took her brood with her to the Los Angeles games?
And who paid for that holiday?

1 month ago
Reply to  Vanni

I doubt the brood was born in ’84

Noel Ciantar
Noel Ciantar
1 month ago

The officials thought they were heading to the Olym-pigs.

joe morana
joe morana
1 month ago

A ‘Humpty Dumpty’ MOC delegation for the Paris 2024 Olympics

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
1 month ago

Th usual ‘regimental staffing’ – more chiefs than Indians!

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 month ago

Like all the Government agencies and local Authorities – ISTHU!

1 month ago
Reply to  Anne R. key

I believe the Olympic movement on malta is an independent organization. I think at least

1 month ago

It tajba hi li Athletics Malta ghada kemm gholliet il licenzja u il fees biex it tfal taghna jiehdu sehem fl events li jsiru matul is sena. On average kull genitur se jehel bejn 50 u 60 ewro fis sena aktar ghal kull wild li jippartecipa fl events. Ghalhekk m hemmx flus?

1 month ago
Reply to  Francis

Tajjeb. Mela ghadu issusidjat- ipprova sports iehor 🤦🏽‍♂️

Ant Vassallo
Ant Vassallo
1 month ago

Is the MOC actually developing sports in Malta?

1 month ago
Reply to  Ant Vassallo

I believe that’s the governments remit. Olympic is ‘elite’

Imbarazz ta' Kuljum
Imbarazz ta' Kuljum
1 month ago

Can anyone explain the presence of the MOC Sec.General’s son? Are we also paying for him?

Imbarazz ta' Kuljum
Imbarazz ta' Kuljum
1 month ago

Please note; Miguel Azzopardi (Kevin Azzopardi’s son) can be seen wearing an official’s lanyard in various photos.

1 month ago

I believe the presence of the father in the committee should be questioned in the very first place.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 month ago

Many of the MOC members are staunch Labour lackeys, so what did you expect. We need to find a much more powerful word than DISGUST!

1 month ago
Reply to  Anne R. key

They are elected . So work to elect independent ones

1 month ago

Am presently in Paris and yesterday morning was at swimming where I saw with my own eyes a female member of staff of MOC and her husband (CEO Sportmalta) entering VIP Area with Maltese delegation. Makes me wonder why they’re not seen in any pictures. At least the rest had the courage to show their faces. CEO Sportmalta did not appear greeting PM….oohhh but he’s Joseph’s lackey ::))

1 month ago

On what basis were the Maltese athletes chosen? Why was charlotte wingfield, who trains professionally, not selected?

1 month ago
Reply to  Steve

Because someone was faster !!

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