Opinion: Abela turns toxic

“The opposition… pointed a pistol towards Judge Grixti’s head, a pistol that was fired,” Prime Minister Robert Abela said outside the court in a display of anger and hyperbole, using gratuitous macabre metaphors and inciting his ardent supporters against the opposition.

“Grixti was placed (by the opposition) with his back to the wall,” Abela added, eliciting the idea of a firing squad.

It was a shameful episode, the shameless and frontal way in which the opposition disinterred the dead,” he went on.

“There is an element of aggression being applied by the leader of the opposition against members of the previous and current governments”, he said, accusing the opposition of working against “the interests of the Gozitan and Maltese people” and aiming to “hinder not help” international arbitration procedures.

“The PN does not respect the institutions but threatens them in order to make them decide in its favour,” Abela concluded in his bizarre and toxic rant.

This is a reckless escalation in harmful rhetoric, fuelling the flames of divisiveness, rage and hate of political adversaries. That is evident from the thousands of hostile comments uploaded on social media against the Nationalist Party after Abela’s statement.

Why does the PN’s legal attempts to protect the nation’s interests rankle so much with Abela? Is it because it exposes his incompetence, if not collusion, with the most fraudulent deal in Malta’s history?

One minute, he’s defending Steward; the next, he claims he’s fighting them in international courts.

First, he claimed he didn’t know how much Vitals and Steward siphoned into their own pockets and insisted on waiting for the NAO to tell him; the next, he claimed he was chasing Steward for the money. 

How can he fight his case if he doesn’t know how much money they stole?  Or maybe he knew all along and pretended not to, to protect Vitals, Steward and those who received tens of thousands of euro in their bank accounts from companies linked to Vitals and Steward.

No wonder Abela’s losing his cool. His latest display shows he is no longer the calm and collected moderate he projected himself to be. He is under strain, and it shows.  The question is, how much longer can he keep it up?

It’s time for some recalibration and for Abela to remember this is a European Union member state on the eve of European parliamentary elections.  This is not the time for prime ministers to talk about firing pistols and members of the judiciary, fuelling already problematic division and hatred.

He’s making errors. He accused the opposition of forcing Judge Grixti’s recusal by “disinterring the dead” body of the Judge’s cousin, who’d been a member of the Vitals selection board when actually he recused himself after his partner, lawyer Yanika Bugeja, was appointed curator representing Steward Assets Management Malta.

Abela accused the opposition of threatening the institutions, but we know that making legal arguments before a court is not a threat. What is a threat is Abela threatening institutions by publicly attacking magistrates, humiliating them by casting doubts about their work ethics and impartiality. 

Two examples are when he publicly denounced Magistrate Marse-ann Farrugia and Magistrate Gabriella Vella, making them public hate figures for Labour’s trolls.

Abela knows those magistrates cannot respond to his false accusations, just as he knows that by mentioning them in this way, he unleashes thousands of Labour trolls upon them.

He also knows it takes just one rogue individual among his thousands of diehard supporters to take matters into their own hands. By behaving this way, Abela recklessly endangers the security and safety of those he singles out, and he knows it.

Judge Grixti didn’t accuse the opposition of threatening him, but he deplored the “inappropriate and rather intimidating tone” adopted by Abela’s government when it urged him to reverse his recusal.

Abela demonstrates a viciousness that comes from desperation, as he knows he’s losing control. 

Meanwhile, as Ablea panics and lashes out, the public is left waiting hours to be seen at Mater Dei’s Emergency Unit and hours more to be admitted to windowless underground corridors without basic facilities – and that’s if you’re lucky. The rest are kept on stretchers in dangerously unhygienic proximity to other patients.

They want to know why they’re waiting for months, if not years, for essential investigations to guide treatment for their potentially serious conditions.

This is the legacy of Labour’s Vitals/Steward ‘real deal’. 

Those are the real issues people want resolved.  They’re not interested in hysterical statements about pistols pointed at magistrates’ heads, but Abela cannot afford to lose control of the narrative, and he needs people to remain distracted in petty partisanship and parochial pique.

Otherwise, they’ll wake up to the reality that Labour conned them.

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Paolo Soldi
Paolo Soldi
11 months ago

Perfect analysis.

Paul Berman
Paul Berman
11 months ago

First, he claimed he didn’t know how much Vitals and Steward siphoned into their own pockets and insisted on waiting for the NAO to tell him; the next, he claimed he was chasing Steward for the money. 

The arbitration case is Steward asking for the 100,000,000 million promised by Konrad Mizzi, Steward opened arbitration proceedings and the Government accepted knowing full well the decision is final and binding and the proceedings are not public. This has nothing to do with the 400,000,000 which the PN opened a case about.

11 months ago

Abela lost 27,000 votes in 18 months , and the PL hard core are after his head.
He is trying to rope in Muscat’s corrupt team , to get some back up.
The only one who has the metaphorical gun , is Abela , who is pointing it at his own head. To make it worse his satanic friends are surfacing, Drug Lords? Money Launderers? Egrant?

Simon Camilleri
Simon Camilleri
11 months ago
Reply to  makjavel

This is not a problem. He has so many people ’employed’ in government ‘services’ that he will always have enough votes to win. The PL cannot be removed ever until the last gahan dies out. Malta is lost – leave while you can. It will only be a matter of time before he comes for your savings and properties to feed the rest of his pigs and rats.. then you are done.

Last edited 11 months ago by Simon Camilleri
11 months ago

Malta is fast becoming a one-party state. With the capture of the media, the writing is on the wall. The same media that tries to resurrect the deranged in order to destroy the PN, which is already doing a good job at shooting itself in the foot.

11 months ago

Caruana this time round needs €1700 MILLION to make ends meet.
At some point very soon Malta will default.
The economy runs on a ponzi scheme fed by bonds being sold by the government and the Maltese giving the government their savings for a meager 3%. The increase to €1700 million means the Ponzi scheme is close to crashing. Then the government pay cheques will bounce. That is the day the employees will hang their employer ,Ceaușescu Former President of Romania

Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell
11 months ago

Everyone keeps repeating Abela’s trope that he took Steward to court. The only evidence I found it that it’s the other way round:


11 months ago

Robert Abela is your typical daddy’s boy whose infantile behaviour is there for all to see. He never worked for anything as everything was presented for him on a silver platter by his rotten daddy, and when he does not get what he wants he throws a tantrum.

Malta is a banana republic run by a bunch of mammoni – Franco Debono, Robert Abela, Aaron Farrugia, Joseph Muscat, etc all share the same traits.

joe tedesco
joe tedesco
11 months ago


11 months ago

There are three sorts of labour MPs:
1) shits;
2) bloody shits; and
3) f****** shits

11 months ago
Reply to  Johann

and those on steroids.

Frank Galea
Frank Galea
11 months ago

Ma niflahx nisma lil Robert Abela jigdeb sfaccatament, din id-darba dwar il-kawza li l-PN qieghed jaghmel lil Avukat tal- Istat biex jaghmel dmiru u jfittex lil Vitals/Steward ghal €400 miljun li serqu lil poplu!
Mistoqsi minn Net News ghala l-Gvern qed ifixkel lil PN li qed jipprova jgib il-miljuni lura, kellu l-wicc jigdeb sfaccatament u jghid li l-PN qieghed ifixkel lil Gvern fl-Arbitragg Internazzjonali!
Il-poplu jrid jifhem li din gidba fahxija! L-arbitragg internazzjonali fethuh Vitals/Steward kontra l-Gvern biex jiehdu l-€100miljun li kien iffirma maghhom Konrad Mizzi f’dak il-famuz side agreement li allegatament sar minn wara dahar kulhadd! Dik hi l-verita Robert Abela u tkomplix tinganna l-poplu bil-gideb li tghid! Mhux kulhadd inzerta GAHAN!!

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