Top finance ministry official given direct order by another state agency

An Assistant Director at the Finance Ministry, Marnol Sultana,  whose job is related to tenders and procurement from the Contracts Department, has been given another part-time position by another government entity to do the same thing as he does at his original workplace.

The Shift is informed that through direct orders, the well-connected Sultana is tasked with performing work related to the review of tenders by the Water Services Corporation (WSC).

The latest direct orders issued last September will see Sultana topping up his remuneration by another €10,000 a year.

Incidentally, in many cases, the Water Services Corporation uses the same services of the government’s Department of Contracts for most of its procurement needs.

Sources told The Shift that a number of officials working with Sultana are very concerned about the conflict of interest created by his two jobs.

“We really can’t understand how a top civil servant is allowed to be given a direct order by another government entity. Until a few years ago, this was unheard of,” a senior official said.

The Shift contacted Sultana to ask how he could be given a direct order when he was already an assistant director in the public service and who gave him the direct order, but he did not reply.

Marnol Sultana, as listed on the WSC’s direct orders list

The Shift is informed that Sultana is a very well-connected employee, mainly due to his prominent role in Gozo’s civil society as the secretary general of the Żebbuġ Band Club.

He also worked at Mater Dei Hospital with Ivan Falzon, the former Gozitan CEO, managing Infrastructure Malta for many years. Sources told The Shift he has received several direct orders at Water Services Corporation following Falzon’s former tenure as its CEO.

Under normal circumstances, civil servants need permission from their departmental heads to carry out part-time work, which must not conflict with their daily jobs.

The Director of Contracts, Anthony Cachia, did not reply when asked by The Shift whether he approved Sultana providing his services to another government entity through a direct order.


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Francis Said
Francis Said
9 months ago

Again and again, certainly these direct orders are illegal. Is there no lawyer or group of lawyers within the PN to challenge that taxpayers’ funds should be managed with the utmost professional and ethical manner?
This and other appointments, provision of services or products must follow the rules of good and transparent governance.

9 months ago

Every day, more MLP sleaze is uncovered. What will be the next revelation?

9 months ago

What p#sses me off, is the fact that when asked for comments, these lowlifes, who would struggle to hold down a job in the real world, and who are, despite their high-flown titles, basically just employees of the common citizen, dare to ignore such requests.
Those who fail to answer, should be fined in their personal capacity a daily fine until such time that they comply.
It is about time to remind them that they are there to serve the people, not their political masters!

Raymond Gatt
Raymond Gatt
9 months ago
Reply to  Vanni

Fined by who? Maybe, by the dormant police commissioner!

9 months ago
Reply to  Vanni

Agree 100 per cent. Commissioner of Standards wake up please!!! This is your job.

George Said
George Said
9 months ago

Anthony Cachia is retiring in a few months. You should ask the new incoming DG of the Department of Contracts, Adrian Dalli.

Mark Debono
Mark Debono
9 months ago

Are there any of them that don’t have their snouts deep in the trough? Wouldn’t be so bad they don’t care who knows it and in fact are proud of it and boast openly about?

Josette Portelli
Josette Portelli
9 months ago

What a bunch of thieves! Ali Baba’s 40 friends can’t even be compared to these individuals!

Pony Express
Pony Express
9 months ago

Eqq allura. Kullhadd jithanzer sejjer Sultana ma jihux slice jew tnejn. Mhux hekk hux.

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