‘The People’s Playlist’ for the Prime Minister ‘to listen’

Activists campaigning for justice will again hold events to mark the day when journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated.

On the day marking five months since she was killed in a car bomb on 16 October, a vigil will once again be held at her memorial. Speakers will be Vicki Anne Cremona, a lecturer at the University of Malta, lawyer Edward Debono and activist Alessandra Dee Crespo.

The vigil is being organised by The Civil Society Network, #occupyjustice, Il-Kenniesa and L-Awturi.

It will be followed by an event at Castille Square organised by #occupyjustice with the name ‘The People’s Playlist’.

The event mocks one organised by the Malta Philarmonic Orchestra in February entitled ‘The Prime Minister’s Playlist’ in which the public was introduced to Joseph Muscat’s ‘favourite tunes’. It was an event repeatedly criticised and ridiculed for echoing the tactics of dictatorial regimes.

The Shift News provided its own alternative playlist and then invited readers to submit their own version of what the Prime Minister should choose – they included ‘Breaking the Law’ by Judas Priest, ‘Catch Me if You Can’ by Walking on Cars and ‘Love the Way You Lie’ by Eminem.

The message on Friday is a playlist dedicated “to those who need to listen” at the doorstep of the Prime Minister’s Office. The public is invited to attend.

The vigil on Friday starts at 6:30pm in front of the law courts in Valletta. The event at Castille Square will follow.




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