Edward Zammit Lewis’ legislative legacy
One aspect that seems to have been overlooked in
Opinion: Labour’s escape route for criminals
Just before Christmas, the government rushed through parliament a
Prime minister fails to declare wife’s assets as ethics probe begins
Prime Minister Robert Abela has failed to declare his
Robert Abela’s unexplained luck
Some people have all the luck. With some, it’s
Continuity, only worse – Ranier Fsadni
Apart from the bonanza of gifts and discounts, Labour’s
Active ageing minister doubled amount of money deposited in accounts in one year
In asset declarations filed earlier this year, Senior Citizens
Schembri’s deliberately tangled mess
The compilation of evidence in the case of Keith
Unexplained Wealth Orders: Why Edward Zammit Lewis shot them down
Zamora Hajiyeva, an Azerbaijani banker’s wife, spent €16 million

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