Government pays Corinthia company €365,000 direct order for 3-day Agrifair
Aqra bil-Malti. Taxpayers have forked out a direct order
Patrick Dalli’s exhibition cost taxpayers €50,000
The publicly funded Valletta Cultural Agency (VCA) paid some
Investigations shows Herrera’s private ‘bodyguard’ paid by public funds was a previous client of his firm
Questions are being raised about the payment of €19,050
EXCLUSIVE: Prime Minister to spend €1m a month to detain migrants on ship
The government will be paying €33,500 a day, or
Taxpayers billed €300,000 for luxury travel by chief passport salesman
Maltese taxpayers were billed almost €300,000 for first class
‘Getting Things Done’ while everyone is stuck in traffic
Ian Borg may be ‘Getting Things Done’, but you
Taxpayers compensate Neville Gafa for being ‘disturbed’
Neville Gafa’s contract with the Foundation for Medical Services
PD slams Opposition Leader’s decision to drop no confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia’s decision to drop the motion

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