Tal-linja costing taxpayers €250 each in subsidies
Malta’s ‘free’ public transport scheme is costing the country’s
Shakira charged with tax crimes, again
Columbian pop star Shakira, already implicated in a tax
Money stolen by SMS scammers found in Maltese banks by Spain’s Guardia Civil
101 people have been arrested in Spain by the
Shakira’s tax evasion in Malta: Spanish prosecutors demand jail time, €24m fine
Spanish prosecutors are asking the Barcelona courts to sentence
How Shakira used Malta companies to avoid high-tax jurisdictions
Colombian singer Shakira is facing six charges linked to
Former fisheries director paid some €60,000 since 2019 to stay at home
Since her suspension in 2019 over corruption allegations, former
Officials in Sicily and Spain blame Malta for new outbreaks of COVID-19
Neighbouring countries are reporting new outbreaks of COVID-19 among
Controversy over €20m tender for face masks in Spain links back to Malta
The Spanish government has bought €20 million worth of
Human Rights Commissioner ‘worried’ about excessive use of force by police
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of
Bah! Humbug! A Happy Christmas to (almost) everyone
Two days before Christmas, Malta refused entry to over
Daphne Caruana Galizia wins Transparency International’s anti-corruption award
Murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is one of
NGO denounces ‘inhuman policies’ of Malta and Italy 
A humanitarian boat carrying 59 people rescued off the

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