Energy crisis: Enemalta paying more than €10,000 an hour for generators
Enemalta is forking out more than  €10,000 an hour
Enemalta late on temporary power station as Saudi plant is ‘still in transit’
Enemalta’s mismanagement and kneejerk reactions to another energy crisis
Failed MEP candidate awarded new top job at Infrastructure Malta
Steve Ellul, a banker who failed to get elected
OPM spokesperson put on Project Green payroll
Melissa Vella Buhagiar has been given a lucrative new
Developer bags a third of Qajjenza site with plans to take over seafront public land
Plans by the secretary general of the Malta Developers
Water agency bypassing procurement rules through Infrastructure Malta
The government has found an ‘innovative’ way to bypass
Abela facing stiff internal resistance on ‘Commissioner Micallef’ move
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s surprise move, suggesting the possible
Opinion: Miriam Dalli’s scaremongering
“I appeal to the opposition to stop their scaremongering
PL’s establishment candidates defeated
PN MEP-elect and outgoing President of the European Parliament
WATCH: Labour mayor lashes out at Miriam Dalli as ‘incompetent clown’
Qormi mayor Notary Josef Masini Vento, who will be
Enemalta cancels multi-million-euro tenders delaying two distribution centres
Two major electricity distribution centres, announced last year following
Enemed spends €2 million on marketing despite no competition
Enemed, a state company that has a virtual monopoly
Company set to win tender for new power plant under increased suspicion as it fails to meet criteria
Suspicions of a possible pre-arranged deal on the lease
Government faces backlash in Birzebbuga over development of LPG plant
The government is facing strong opposition from local council
Evans bidders ordered to extend bid as OPM scrambles to solve impasse
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The ongoing evaluation of
Malta’s first ‘Green Bond’ to finance project already completed with EU funds in 2021
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Malta’s ‘first green bond’ has
Wasteserv paying €2 million a month for outsourced workforce, including One TV journalist
The government’s waste management agency – Wasteserv – is
Miriam Dalli dishes out €140,000 to Christmas village suppliers without tender
Some €140,000 were given to handpicked suppliers, circumventing a
Government ‘shamefully silent’ on Comino overcommercialisation  – NGOs
Eight environmental NGOs have reiterated calls for the de-commercialisation
Sant’Antnin, we have a problem
When the head of the nation’s trash collection agency
Enemalta CEO sacked following power outages debacle, moved to the OHSA
The Enemalta CEO Jonathan Cardona has been relieved of
Project Green to rent offices for €400,000 a year, but that’s par for the course
Project Green – the new government agency aiming to
Miriam Dalli gives second job to President’s 23-year-old granddaughter
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli, currently in the eye of
Miriam Dalli powers Zurrieq feast with Gladiator 2 generators to save face
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli had Enemalta issue ‘emergency’ direct
Ira Losco being paid €417 per social post promoting Project Green
Singer Ira Losco is being paid €417 each time
‘Public will be forced to intervene’ as deckchairs placed on Comino garigue
The lack of enforcement against newly placed deckchairs on
Standards czar to probe Miriam Dalli but not Steve Ellul over Ira Losco promos
Standards Commissioner Joe Azzopardi will not investigate Project Green
Cronies share €2 million in direct orders from government billing company
Government utilities billing company ARMS spent more than €2
Ira Losco promoting politicians through public contract
Malta’s musical icon Ira Losco is using her personal
Galdes and Schembri both have unexplained offices linked to developer
Social Housing Minister Roderick Galdes has been making use

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