Parliament rubber stamps agreement with Anglu Xuereb on his illegal lidos
Parliament wrote off 37 years of illegalities committed by
Government to enable Anglu Xuereb to regularise illegal Qawra lidos
Aqra bil-Malti The government will be asking parliament to
No investigation of Lands Authority over block of flats built on public land
The government has so far failed to order an
Lands Minister avoiding reply on Valletta premises squatted by PM
Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi is refusing to give
Lands Authority tender to legalise public land takeover after false declarations
The Lands Authority allowed a block of flats to
Sofia inquiry: Despite Malta Enterprise’s ‘incompetence’, chair won’t resign
Malta Enterprise Chairman William Wait will not resign from
Government acquires last plot of private Birzebbugia land, paving way for mega development
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A small plot, forming part
Ex-PA boss moved to ministry after PM’s advisor replaces him in €100,000 job
Martin Saliba, the former executive chairperson of the Planning
Contractor becomes BCA chief officer through JobsPlus register
A self-employed contractor who in 2021 received thousands of
BCA CEO ignores public service chief as Christmas bash goes ahead
The Building and Construction Agency (BCA) will today proceed
Construction industry regulator to host expensive Christmas bash as nation still reeling from death of JeanPaul Sofia
Days after Malta’s latest construction fatality, which claimed the

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