Maltese tenor wants to keep Malta taxpayer support secret
Acclaimed Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja wants to prevent the
Tourism minister silent on MTA-sponsored Calleja-Bocelli concert
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo has again refused to divulge
No Joseph Calleja concert this summer as government sponsorship slashed
The annual Joseph Calleja summer concert will not be
Tourism Minister stonewalls questions on €56 million for sponsorships, events
The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA), which was given a
The tenor and the Sopranos 
Here’s a placard from the French 2002 presidential election:
Joseph Calleja concert drops free entrance but keeps government funds
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The latest open-air
Henley and Partners says it only sues Maltese journalists if government gives its ‘OK’
In a video conference Henley and Partners had with
WATCH: ‘Joseph Muscat, shame on you,’ protestors greet Prime Minister at Henley & Partners event
Shouts of “shame on you” greeted Prime Minister Joseph
‘I am not a cultural ambassador when it suits me’ – Tenor Joseph Calleja
Maltese Tenor Joseph Calleja told a group of Maltese
Tenor Joseph Calleja entertains Henley and Partners’ guests tonight “for Malta Prime Minister”
Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja will be entertaining Henley and
Hawn tal-Passports
The two Josephs (Muscat and Calleja) on the cash-for-passports

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