Prime Minister confirms information wipe-out but says it’s only temporary
Prime Minister Robert Abela has confirmed that important public
Villa Rosa project ‘should not be considered without a master plan’ – Opposition MPs
Opposition MPs from St Julian’s’ electoral district have come
Disinformation watch: Populist statements that do not address the real issues
The statement by the opposition Nationalist Party’s home affairs
73 police reports of violent brawls since 2020, St Julian’s the most problematic area
A total of 73 cases involving violent brawls either
Desperate grandstanding: PN’s dismissal of civil society
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday, without a
NGO Repubblika calls out PN’s home affairs spokesperson, former Pilatus Bank lawyer, Joe Giglio
Following a public appearance in which the Nationalist Party’s
Third of PN MPs present no receipts on electoral spending, Giglio spent six times the average
Top criminal lawyer Joe Giglio spent six times the
Election 2022: Out with the old, in with the new
Parliament will look very different in a few weeks’

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