Citizens continue to demand resignations in fourth protest
A large crowd braved the wind and rain to
A dirty bill of health
No well-governed country is immune from corruption. Normally, however,
Justice delayed: Report stresses need for concrete action on journalist’s death
The crucial need for a truly independent and impartial
Your MPs have to do better than that
Government politicians and their hangers on have stuck a
Cover your assets: Minister Konrad ‘I earn less but I spend more’ Mizzi
Ever since Panama Papers broke in 2016, Minister Konrad
A public inquiry judges us, not the assassins
So, the Foreign Minister, Carmelo Abela, states that the
‘Public inquiry will not impinge on ongoing criminal investigation’
Updated to include the statement by the Opposition. It
Malta government fails to list ‘serious inaccuracies’ in Council of Europe report
The government is yet to list and communicate the
European court rules against disgraced former Commissioner John Dalli
The European Court of Justice has concluded that there
Reporters Without Borders calls for PACE monitoring procedures on Malta
Leading international press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
How to fail as a State
It is easy to trip up over the details
Grand Theft Europe #2: Fraud by companies in Malta exposed
Probe reveals lax law enforcement in Malta where registered
Grand Theft Europe: Malta’s role in a scam worth €50 billion annually
Companies in Malta at the centre of scams by
Impunity is the name of the game
The closing remarks of the Council of Europe’s Special
Unfinished lives: A year since journalist Ján Kuciak was murdered
Almost a year ago, journalist Ján Kuciak and his
Army promotions: Who will shoulder political responsibility?
The Ombudsman’s report confirming allegations that a massive number
UN investigation confirms Khashoggi killed by Saudi officials
An international inquiry into the murder of Saudi journalist
Investment banker extradited for helping clients defraud tax authorities
A former employee of Mossack Fonesca has been extradited
Second cyber attack in days targets The Shift News
The Shift is experiencing the second cyber attack in
Further and final request for public inquiry
The family of slain journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has
Lands Leak: ‘Independent auditor’ assessing data breach is PL mayor
At a Glance: Labour Party mayor Charlene Muscat was
Reporters Without Borders renews call for public inquiry after investigation leak
Reacting to contradictory information about the investigation on the
‘The problem is toxic business leeching off taxpayers’ – Jan Kuciak’s editor
The editor of the news portal for which murdered
13 Council of Europe members expelled in Azerbaijani bribery scandal
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe expelled
PEN International calls for action against ‘public officials’ who threaten freedom of speech
PEN International called on the Maltese authorities to sanction

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