Energy minister silent on cost of generators for Zurrieq feast during energy crisis
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli, currently under pressure after a
An epic failure of blockbuster proportions
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. For the past four
Film Commission studies contradict themselves as filmmakers lament ‘lack of transparency’
Big differences in the reported findings of two unpublished
Film Commissioner files court case in bid to keep Film Festival costs hidden
Film Commissioner Johann Grech has filed a civil court
Film commissioner’s cashback rules sideline local crews and spending
The Malta Film Commission’s 40% cash rebate scheme for
Company given €47 million for Gladiator 2 posted losses for the last three years
The UK-registered film production company estimated to receive a
Miriam Dalli powers Zurrieq feast with Gladiator 2 generators to save face
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli had Enemalta issue ‘emergency’ direct
PETA warns Gladiator 2 director Ridley Scott about using real animals on set
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has

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