Opinion: Moody’s warning for Abela
Moody’s has just rapped Robert Abela.  It’s warned him
Malta likely to face return to tight EU fiscal rules from January
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana may no longer be able
Abela borrowing €3.7 million per day
Prime Minister Robert Abela has increased Malta’s debt by
Massaging morale
“The success of Team Malta is the Labour Party’s
Public finances floundering in danger zone as debt soars €2.2 billion in 18 months
Malta’s public debt ballooned by as much as €2.1
Swallowing red herrings
Crazy just keeps getting crazier on this insane island.
Malta’s foreign capital inflow could drop by €250m if greylisted – IMF report
A report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) analysing

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