Labour pollster Vince Marmara gets three new government direct orders
Labour pollster Vince Marmara has been handed three new
President Vella likely to stay put after end of term
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. President George Vella could
Consultancy firm accuses OPM of bias for awarding tender to Labour pollster
A local consultancy firm has filed a complaint over
Marmara, Musumeci get more lucrative government consultancy contracts
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Labour pollster Vince Marmara and
L-ispiża tat-tender mogħti lill-Aġent President  għall-‘mystery shopping’ jiżdied b’152,000 ewro
This article is available in English Ix-xorti tal-akkademiku Frank
Cost of Acting President’s ‘mystery shopping’ tender increases by €152,000
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti There is no end
Labour pollster given 28 direct orders in four years
Labour pollster Vince Marmara has been given 28 direct

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