Parliament rubber stamps agreement with Anglu Xuereb on his illegal lidos
Parliament wrote off 37 years of illegalities committed by
Criminologist to evaluate iconic Evans Building multi-million-euro tender
Prime Minister Robert Abela has put a criminologist and
PM warned of legal battle over Evans Building privatisation process
Prime Minister Robert Abela has been warned to handle
Parliamentary committee votes to give coastal areas to developers
Parliament’s standing committee for environment and development planning this
REVEALED: Unpublished report on public land to be handed to developers
An unpublished report on the declassification of two valuable
Anglu Xuereb ‘illegally occupying’ Qawra lidos land for 40 years, Lands CEO says
The ongoing exercise being led by Lands Minister Silvio
PA insists minister responsible for publishing public domain consultation results
The Planning Authority has not yet published the results
‘Sham’ public consultation to give coastline to private interests
Flimkien għal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) has strongly opposed the
Change to public domain law to enable redevelopment of AX’s Qawra lidos
The changes the Planning Authority is proposing to the
Rebranded Projects Malta to pay €1 million to lease offices from AX Group
Updated to include reaction from AX Group Taxpayers are
Encroachment fees total €9.5 million since 2013
A total of €9.4 million was generated from fees

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