ITS project: An icon of ‘the commercialisation of our way of life’
The Institute for Tourism Studies project by DB Group
Dr Sant and Mr Hyde
Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant is not your typical
Of Protests and Business as Usual
In today’s Malta the majority of Maltese people have
Fireworks factory approved 300m away from legendary chapel
The Planning Authority has ignored warnings by the Superintendence
A human economy
Free markets fail to give due consideration to the
The Shift is your story
We are humbled by the positive reaction to the
The time for civil society is now
The assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is a
‘Fantastic Malta’ exposed in Paradise Papers
When confronted by the news that the European Parliament
Commissioner Clueless and his golden slumber
The daughters of disgraced former EU Commissioner John Dalli,
Malta needs a women’s movement
So how come Malta has come so far in

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