Disinformation Watch #2: Government, Labour Party distorting European Commission reports on Malta
Prime Minister and Labour leader Joseph Muscat claimed in
Efimova insists Malta is not safe for her
Pilatus Bank whistleblower Maria Efimova said Malta is not
Why media literacy is needed
If information is carefully processed by media agencies, with
Media not for the many, but for the powerful
An investigation by The Shift News revealed the bias
‘Government has monopoly on truth in Malta’
The only truth that can exist in Malta is
MP urges Muscat to dissociate himself from Labour online hate groups 
Opposition MP Therese Comodini Cachia called on Prime Minister
Efimova says she received threats following Ali Sadr’s release from jail
Pilatus Bank whistleblower Maria Efimova said she will be filing a
Abortion debate goes beyond sinners and saints
One thing this country will never get is a
Disinformation Watch #1: Fake Facebook account behind unsubstantiated attacks on opposition MP
The Labour Party associated daily newspaper L-Orizzont ran a
Launching The Shift News Disinformation Watch
A decade before her assassination, Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote

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