Police union chief leaves secret Labour online group
The head of the GWU’s police union, inspector Sandro
Head of Cambridge Analytica accused of taking $8m before bankruptcy
The former chief executive of the scandal-hit Cambridge Analytica
European Parliament concerned about lack of progress in Daphne Caruana Galizia investigations
The European Parliament on Tuesday expressed its concern on
Burying the inconvenient truth
Magistrate Anthony Vella, in charge of the inquiry into
‘Financial insitutions of ill repute and high ranking politicians risking Malta’s reputation’ – MEA
Recent events involving financial institutions of ill repute and
AD warns Italy’s unilateral action on migration could have serious repercussions on Malta
Italy’s new hardline interior minister Matteo Salvini has warned
Police Union chief’s selective condemnation of hate speech
The head of the GWU’s police union, inspector Sandro
No Eddie, No Joseph
If an election were to be held tomorrow, Joseph
EXPLAINER: Why calls for ‘proof’ of money laundering are ridiculous
Money laundering (ML) is one of the most serious
Front Against Censorship proposes anti-SLAPP amendments to protect journalists from financial ruin
The solution against vexatious lawsuits filed against Maltese journalists

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