‘A worrying move by Malta’s Parliament to censor The Shift News’ – Reporters Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders’ (RSF) UK Bureau Director Rebecca Vincent
PD files no-confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Partit Demokratiku (PD) Leader Godfrey Farrugia and MP Marlene
Rescue vessels heading to Libya condemn EU stand on migration
As the rescue vessel MV Sea-Watch 3 heads to
On absurdity: Keith, Konrad and Caligula
The French philosopher Albert Camus used the Roman emperor
Profile of a Maltese troll
‘The Maltese Troll’ is a unique species in many
Hospital pharmacists on industrial action for third time this year
Public sector pharmacists registered an industrial dispute for the
Pilatus bank scandal among those leading the ECB to step up monitoring
The European Central Bank (ECB) is stepping up scrutiny
Oh my dystopian dream
Living in Malta increasingly feels like a dream. For
The Shift News reacts to Speaker’s ruling
The ruling by Speaker Anglu Farrugia in Parliament yesterday
Premier Pig and Panama Kon visit their overlord
In an interview days before the June 2017 election,

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