Transparency International calls out European Parliament on failure to investigate Azerbaijan bribes
In a letter sent to European Parliament today, Transparency
Why are taxpayers forking out €1.4m to permit more air pollution?
In a recent report by the European Environment Agency,
‘Unacceptable’ – international criticism of Foreign Minister’s aide
The world’s leading experts on freedom of expression have
White Flag project ‘an elaborate scam the Environment Minister fell for’ – PN
Environment Minister Jose Herrera was asked to explain the
Poverty: reality vs perception 
Last week, Josanne Cutajar, a senior lecturer at the
Malta signs UN migration agreement despite Abela saying he would not
Malta signed a UN agreement that sets in action
NAO report on Voluntary Organisations highlights significant risks of money laundering
The Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (OCVO)
Minister’s aide calls PEN International executive a ‘biased shithole’
Sandro Mangion, the private secretary to the minister of
Let’s call hypocrisy by its name
If one child starts bullying another child in a
UK halts cash-for-visa scheme amid concerns as Malta pawns citizenship
The UK has announced its intention to halt its

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