2018: The year of the angry citizen 
The year which has now come to an end
It takes a society
If you’ve ever watched the 1948 Italian film “Bicycle
2018: A year of investigations
This has been a busy year for The Shift
Danske Bank named as OCCRP’s 2019 Corrupt Actor of the Year
Denmark’s Danske Bank has been awarded the undesirable 2019 Corrupt Actor
Occupy Justice calls for Delia’s resignation
Following media reports that opposition leader Adrian Delia’s wife
Answers we are hoping for in 2019
2018 has been an interesting year full of scandal,
Report maps presence of Italian mafia in foreign countries, Malta tops list
Malta is the country with the highest number of
18 human rights NGOs’ appeal for men, women and children stranded at sea
The refusal by Malta and other European countries to
An open letter to Minister Edward Scicluna from a whistleblower
An open letter to Edward Scicluna, Finance Minister and
Six days stranded at sea
Five countries have denied the rescue ship MV Sea-Watch

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