UPDATED: Infiorata flowers repurposed for Daphne Caruana Galizia protest memorial
Activists from Occupy Justice last night transported flowers from
How to fail as a State
It is easy to trip up over the details
‘No action’ in Malta on criminal network smuggling protected birds from Italy
A crackdown on an organised network responsible for the
Impunity reigns in the realm of ‘il-King’
Joseph Muscat hasn’t saved a cent in the past
Spotlight on threats against journalists in Malta in European report
“Burned in effigy. Insulted. Menaced. Spat at. Discredited by
Muscat tells EU leaders that he will protect rule of law… seriously
The Maltese government yesterday signed the Sibiu Declaration, at
UK Parliament hears of ‘inadequacy of investigations’ into Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder
Barrister Caoilfhionn Gallagher has called on the British government
Grand Theft Europe #2: Fraud by companies in Malta exposed
Probe reveals lax law enforcement in Malta where registered
Arriving late by bus, for free
The electoral campaigns are building up. All sides are
Grand Theft Europe: Malta’s role in a scam worth €50 billion annually
Companies in Malta at the centre of scams by

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