Pandora’s box at St George’s Bay
Opposition to the proposed City Centre by DB Group
‘An independent public inquiry is more urgent than ever’ – Reporters Without Borders
The need for an independent public inquiry remained urgent,
‘Heartbreaking to see murdered journalist’s family facing suspected criminals’
“It is heartbreaking to see the family of Daphne
A public inquiry judges us, not the assassins
So, the Foreign Minister, Carmelo Abela, states that the
‘States using online harassment as a weapon against critical journalists’
A new website launched by the International Press Institute
Council of Europe Member States urged to strengthen ‘key role’ of Ombudsman
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s (PACE)
‘Public inquiry will not impinge on ongoing criminal investigation’
Updated to include the statement by the Opposition. It
We want press freedom but we also want to spy on the press
While the UK Foreign Office hosted a Global Conference
Foreign Minister commits to public inquiry within three months
The focus on the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana
Will Neville Guffaw have the last laugh?
The worst kept secret in Malta has finally been

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