Victor Carachi, the 66-year-old president of Malta’s largest trade union, has been compensated for resigning from one of his lucrative government positions last year with a new government appointment.
In February 2024, following a damning inquiry report putting part of the blame for the Jean Paul Sofia tragedy on the board of directors of Malta Enterprise, the GWU boss resigned in a damage control exercise by the government to show some form of responsibility given the inquiry’s conclusions.
A few months later, he was given a new government appointment as a director on the board of the Malta Communications Authority (MCA).
It is unclear how much Carachi is being paid for this new directorship, as the government refused to provide such information in a parliamentary question recently submitted.
Carachi, a pensioner, has served as GWU’s president since 2008. As soon as Labour was elected in 2013, he was awarded a raft of government appointments, creating a conflict between his role as a trade unionist and that of a government official.
Carachi also receives government payments for acting as a director on the boards of the Occupational Health and Safety Authority, the Malta Development Bank and Malita Investments.
He also provided paid consultancies to other government agencies, including MIMCOL, Malta Government Investments, and the Malta Freeport Corporation, which regulated the Freeport Terminal. The GWU is supposed to represent hundreds of members in all these government agencies.
The Shift is informed that Carachi’s paid government roles have been discussed within the GWU for years. Still, the president refuses to resign, insisting that he is still helping the union through his public roles.
No shame felt?kulhad jithanzer.hekk jaqbez ghal hadd
This administration has turned it’s lackeys into millionaires, whilst professionals wishing to pursue their work in a legitimate way we’re destroyed – proof for same can be provided upon request. May you all burn in hell……!
Cool. You resign from ONE of your lucrative jobs in the government (you were asked to do that and you agreed because you were assured of another job lined up just for you….) because you are asked to shoulder some responsibility for the death of a young man on government land and the government gives you an even better job some time later. Very cool. Sofia died in vain. There is no accountability in this third world style country.
Imma kif jiqghu jivvutaw lejber ig-ghahen? Jisirquhom f’wicchom u jcapcpulhom..ara veru ezl sabilhom aggettiv tajjeb meta qallhom gahan laburisti!
Robert Abela hu l-prim ministru tad-dejn biljunarju. U dawn l-inkompetenti jieklu minn fuq rasna. Imisskom tisthu!!!!!
Hanzir kbir iehor.ghal dawn tela l lejber.
Anke l-kuxjenza illum tinxtara sur carachi.
Kien hemm xi darba Sur Carachi ieħor fil-GWU differenti minnek.
Mhux bilfors wara li l-Union raqdet raqda ta’ tlettax il-sena il-gvern ikollu jzommhom ‘happy’ u kwieti.
Laburisti imdejqin b’dan il HMIEG bla razan li hawn. TAFU TISTHU ???? Dejjaqtu anke lilna issa.