Employers’ association engages finance minister’s person of trust as consultant

Members consider this a gross conflict of interest and a serious dent in the organisation’s credibility and independence


The Malta Employers Association (MEA) – one of Malta’s leading business lobby organisations- has on its payroll the same full-time consultant and a person of trust for Finance Minister Clyde Caruana.

In what many members consider a gross conflict of interest and a serious dent in the organisation’s credibility and independence, the MEA confirmed that Kirsten Cutajar Miller is a paid member of its secretariat.

According to information tabled in parliament, Cutajar Miller, who describes herself as an economist, has been employed as a person of trust by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana since 2022 and was put on a €70,000 annual financial package.

Concurrently, she is also a consultant and a member of the secretariat of the MEA, which has to lobby the same Finance Minister on behalf of its members.

Cutajar Miller sits on both sides of the table

When asked about this conflict of interest, Kevin Borg, the Director General of the MEA, confirmed that the minister’s person of trust has been a paid member of the MEA’s secretariat since May 2023.

“She was actively involved in published research studies entitled ‘Adapting our Labour Market to an Ageing Population’ and ‘The Low Birth Rate in Malta – An Existential Challenge’, among others,” Borg said.

He did not comment on Cutajar Miller’s glaring conflict of interest between her work as an adviser to the finance minister and her work as a consultant for the business lobby.

“It is obvious to all at the MEA, including at the council level, that you cannot have an adviser in your secretariat knowing all your staff, discussions and negotiating positions at the same time that she is working for your counterpart and the party you are supposed to negotiate with,” a veteran member of the MEA said.

Members pointed out that until a few months ago, the same Director General was also a government-nominated board member of Bank of Valletta.

Cutajar Miller has a chequered history. Until 2020, she worked for the now-defunct audit company Nexia BT, which was involved in various scandalous deals with the government and on its behalf. Its partners. Brian Tonna, Karl Cini, and Manuel Castagna are all facing criminal charges connected to money laundering involving mega government projects.

A few weeks after Nexia BT folded, Cutajar Miller found herself on the finance minister’s payroll as his person of trust.

Apart from her lucrative job at the finance ministry, Cutajar Miller was also given other government positions, including as a member of the Board of Guardian of Future Generations. She also works as a part-time lecturer at the University of Malta.

Cutajar Miller is also regularly seen on state broadcaster TVM speaking as an ‘independent’ economist, mostly every time the government wants to praise its economic policies, particularly during national budget presentations.

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Paul Berman
Paul Berman
25 days ago

So nothing is going to change, we will just find more of the same

Noel Ciantar
Noel Ciantar
25 days ago
Reply to  Paul Berman

Pajjiz ta’ Kontinwita’.

Noel Ciantar
Noel Ciantar
25 days ago

The article presents essentially the view from the employers’ side, and they are obviously right. Cutajar Miller knows the MEA from the inside, and is paid by it, so it is a glaring conflict of interest on her part to be a policy advisor (as person of trust) with the Minister of Finance and Record Public Debt.

But the same should be seen from the perspective of the public’s interest in the Ministry and the government. It is not honest for a government to employ in delicate positions of trust persons who have conflicting private interests. How can the public trust that public policies and monies are not being used in favour of those private interests?

Cutajar Miller, and the MEA Director General and Secretariat, cannot run with the hares and hunt with the hounds.

21 days ago
Reply to  Noel Ciantar

Kevin Borg has been benefitting since at least 2008, under PN. Back then he was hailed as some sort of boy wonder. But all he really was, was a young, arrogant bully. He must obviously have many friends on both sides.

25 days ago


Ala tmur il pixina u kulhad jaf li AIMS se tmiral imriehel, meta t tender adu miftuh? Ala kulhad jaf li siheb ministru se jgawdi hu min tat tender li adu miftuh?

25 days ago

So from Nexia BT Apprenticeship to Government Advisor and MEA Consultant.
Seems the apprenticeship has come in handy.

25 days ago

No New year resolutions, the pigs just get fatter, or maybe that’s the resolution!

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
25 days ago

SICKENING – Lejber has truly turned this country into an autocracy.

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
25 days ago

It is a pity that it was not the Minister himself who was engaged as a Consultant – but only his (presumably) most trusted and, maybe, his costliest ‘person of trust’ who was!

S. Camilleri
S. Camilleri
23 days ago

If pigs can do it why not sows? What’s really shocking here is that one would expect an employers’ association to have more sense and be against and not enable this sort of thing.

23 days ago

Ghaqdiet bhal MEA m ghadhomx kredibbli. Saru jibzghu jikritikaw lil gvern tal gurnata. Donna Il qarnita ghandha subghajha twal u kif ghidu, bil flus tixtri l kull hadd…..

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