The new national air carrier – KM Malta Airlines – has been operating for less than a year and is already registering heavy losses.
Despite the government’s pledge to the European Commission that it is a new airline, most of Air Malta’s former consultants are being used.
New information tabled in parliament shows that David Curmi, the former chairman of the now defunct Air Malta, still tasked with leading the new airline despite his glaring failures, has engaged the same company to act as his consultants, which he used to ‘save’ Air Malta and failed.
So far, the new airline, supported by a multi-million-euro cash injection through state coffers, has already paid Knighthood Global Ltd some €1.6 million “to support the new airline implementing its five-year business plan”.

List of KM Malta consultancies
Air Malta paid €2.4 million a year to the same consultancy firm for “turnaround consultancy.” This task, which went on for years, was aimed at presenting to Brussels a plan to keep the former national airline running while pumping hundreds of millions in state aid.
Knighthood Global’s plan failed miserably. Brussels rejected it, and the former airline was forced to close down.
Still, the contract with the same consultants continued at KM Malta Airlines, with just a change in the task’s definition.
James Hogan and James Rigney, Etihad’s former CEO and CFO, own Knighthood Global. They set up the consultancy after being forced to step down, and an Italian court indicted both over their alleged criminal behaviour about the failure of Alitalia, the former Italian flag carrier.

Former Etihad CEO James Hogan.
The Abu Dhabi consultants are not the only ones shifted from Air Malta’s books to those of KM Malta Airlines.
Others include Lorna Dalziel, who is paid €132,480 a year for doing the same job she did at Air Malta on aircraft spare parts valuations, and Fraser Sharman-Patch on aircrew manpower.
Even medical consultants have remained the same, such as Paul Sciriha, who got his consultancy retainer renewed with the new airline.
The job of board secretary, which used to be handled by lawyer Andre Borg, has now been farmed out to law firm Camilleri Preziosi, which charges €250 per hour.
At the same time, most of the top managers at Air Malta are now in key positions at the new airline and registering the same failures.
So far, Finance Minister Clyde Caruana has resisted calls to publish the contract he gave David Curmi to act as Chairman and CEO of the new airline. He refused to publish the agreement in parliament and denied Freedom of Information requests.
Curmi was being paid €21,500 a month at Air Malta while helping himself to the board’s honoraria, another €10,000 a year.
Sources at KM Malta Airlines said Curmi was receiving higher remuneration from the new airline.
Minister Caruana said he did not want to publish Curmi’s contract because he was afraid other airlines would “poach” him.
‘Poaching’ bad executives is something that only our Labour government does!
Prosit Clyde Prosit.
L aqwa li hxejtulna xogholna u hajjitna!
Haddiem li ried ikompli jahdem offrejtulu xoghol mal RSSL!
Kunu afu li dan (trasferiment INDIRETT mal gvern) fejn l istess haddiema tal Gvern huma stmati aktar, anke fejn tidhol paga.
Issa ejjew ghall voti!
Morru TNEJKU kollha.
Same Fuck Up.
We knew this was going to happen when we all heard that the same people would be running the new airline. Just yet another example of Labour’s bad management
Management under Labour is a non starter
Differently coloured pots. Same ingredients, Same cooks. Same cooking method.
Result: Same taste, evidently.
What right-thinking company would want to “poach” a failure, offering them more money and perks ie a more lucrative deal?
Curmi was being paid €21,500 + a month A MONTH! at Air Malta for what?
How much does a nurse earn per month or a carer?
We should be ashamed of ourselves, The Maltese people need to wake up and say enough is enough!
Rid the country of this IN THEIR FACE corruption, nepotism, Direct Order bullshit, and stop the kowtowing to the corrupt developers destroying the country.
This Mafie of corrupt politicians who are thieves and racketeers, need to be ousted and the people need to replace them with honest men and women.
Anyone among the Maltese people who stands for these rogues is either stupid or part of their gang, They are indefensible.
Very well said
Ghidilhom Xar!
Afraid of poaching him!!! Li kien jahasra jehduh!!
And flush him down a massive toilet, whilst doing so
Jekk jghaddi mil-katusa?
Typical of this corrupt regime, steal, steal and steal more. Clyde the clown and Bob the looter continue unabated
“David Curmi, the former chairman of the now defunct Air Malta, still tasked with leading the new airline despite his glaring failures,…..”
A part of these massive salaries, funds the PL machine – scum and crooks, the whole lot of them – they have no interest whatsoever as to what is right for this country.
Min falla l airmalta intuh it tmexxija tal km malta. Kieku kienu flushom personali hekk kienu jaghmlu? Hallina clive.pezza wahda. Il pn u l pl l istess ezatt. Jinbidel il partit fil gvern , jinbiddlu l ismijiet u dejjem l istess, min ser jahtaf l iktar. Kif tridu ma jkunx hemm mitt elf u iktar ma jivvutawx. Mela ahna boloh.armi l hemm.
We are stupid., we get it happen,:(((
Bora Bora Airlines would be an apt name, the suicidal crash won’t be far off.
KM Malta = sh!tty connections, sh!tty aircrafts and sh!tty service. All stayed the same as the “previous” KM Malta. But who cares, if everyone running it seems to be corrupt and doesn’t care as long as they’re getting their 20000 euro salary a month. What a joke.
Insomma, kienet cara kristall li Malta ser tispicca tiddependi fuq ir-Ryanair, wara li tfaccaw l-istess ucugh fil-KM Malta. Clyde ilu jitmejjel bit-taxpayer snin, sal-punt li tant ghamel dejn li l-pajjiz fallut. Issa jogrog jippoppa ghall-voti dalwaqt. Ibghatuh j*tn€jjek fl-oppozizzjoni, jekk ghandu xorti jasal s’hemm.