ADPD deputy chair calls for legal challenge over latest privileged pensions

The former chairman of the political party ADPD, Carmel Cacopardo, has called for a legal challenge to the government’s latest decision to award a privileged service pension to a few elite persons occupying the role of permanent and cabinet secretaries within the public service.

Following revelations by The Shift that those occupying the top echelons of the public service are being paid a second privileged pension, Cacopardo insisted in his blog that this is discrimination and can be challenged in court by all other pensioners.

“This special treatment may be challenged in court so that everyone can get a decent pension,” he insisted, adding, “It is not acceptable that only a few privileged are being allowed to get a decent retirement package.”

Cacopardo said he hoped “an initiative to mount a challenge is taken as soon as possible.”

He did not state whether his party, the ADPD, or any other organisation, such as the National Association of Pensioners, will spearhead the initiative.

The Shift revealed how amendments were inserted in the Pensions Ordinance in 2019 through a rushed and hushed parliamentary approval so that all those occupying the post of permanent secretaries or cabinet secretary will become eligible for a second uncapped pension over and above their regular state pension.

Through this amendment, permanent secretaries and the cabinet secretary join MPs and judiciary members, who are, so far, the only public servants eligible for a second pension.

Although permanent secretaries are appointed through a Public Service Commission appointment, they are usually recommended on the personal initiative of the prime minister, amounting to an indirect political appointment.

Just a few years ago, privileged pension eligibility was also extended to all judges, magistrates, and attorney general posts to lure the best legal minds to join the judiciary.

Apart from receiving a ‘normal’ National Insurance pension, which in Malta is capped to a maximum of not more than €1,300 a month, the second pension is uncapped and is based on the full two-thirds of the current basic pay of the office-eligible pensioners retired from.

This increases yearly, over and above the annual cost of living adjustment.

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Carmelo borg
1 year ago

Illum fit tlieta fuq radju malta il programm il POLZ TAC CITTADIN sejjer ikun hemm MARK MUSU forsi jijdilna kif ikkonfoffa ma MARIO CUTAJAR halli bil barka tal PN U TAL LAJBOR gabu bil mohbi din il pensjoni tac civil ghalihom BISS. DIN BHAL TAL MINISTRI NAZZJO ALISTI META HADU IS 600 EUROS BIL MOHBI U WARA INQABDU

1 year ago
Reply to  Carmelo borg

The PN had returned them they could have done things in a better way but they wree returned and it was rectified .Today though I do hope that all those who took not hundreds but thousands will return all now too. Giving more to those who already have the most and leaving others ib the same rut is not fair at all

Paul Pullicino
Paul Pullicino
1 year ago

Nearly 20 years ago, ministers quietly raised their emoluments. When it became known the earth stopped spinning. Screaming headlines and cries of “shame on you” forced the cabinet to refund the increase. Times passes and the finger pointers of that time do the exact same thing, only worse. Politics has become the road to personal riches and privilege.

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
1 year ago

Unions should call out civil servants to strike. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and these parasites are no better than many hard working civil servants. They are already privileged for being hand picked without competition. This is simply discriminatory.

Edwin Mamo
1 year ago

Retired police personnel through M.A.R.
P.O. should take note and act.

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
1 year ago

I am sure most pensioners would join a class action. I surely will, if not for the money, for the principle.
Another class action should be started for pre-1962 pensioners, and yet another class action for service pensioners.
All such class actions should call for retroactive adoption.

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