Alex Agius Saliba’s ‘cheap tactics’ for EP elections ‘hypocritical’ – SME Chamber

Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti

The Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises has criticised MEP Alex Agius Saliba for calling on the European Commission to investigate Maltese food importers for price increases and alleged anti-trust violations, calling the move “hypocritical” in a statement on Friday.

The SME Chamber said, “Malta has its own set-up of authorities and clearly defined routes to handle concerns related to issues of competition”, noting that Agius Saliba was the only MEP that had never consulted with the Chamber.

It said it was “very surprised by this attack” given the Labour Party, of which Agius Saliba is a member, “has labelled those that oust Malta’s local affairs in Brussels as traitors,” calling his stance “hypocritical, going against his own party’s and what appeared to be his own principles”.

On Thursday, Agius Saliba wrote to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen asking the European Commission to investigate Maltese food importers for a lack of competition between the few distributors supplying local shops and businesses.

He said this created a “monopolistic situation” with increased food prices affecting consumers.

In response, the SME Chamber said it “will not accept Maltese businesses being made scapegoats for cheap political advancements” in a “strategy to gain visibility as part of the MEP election campaign.”

“This attitude of cheap tactics should not be trusted,” the Chamber said.

The MEP elections will take place in June 2024, with Alex Agius Saliba expected to run for reelection.

Malta has experienced massive increases in food prices in recent months, far surpassing inflation in other sectors and products. Data from the National Statistics Office has shown surges of 11% despite a fall in general inflation.

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Ġwanni Fenek
Ġwanni Fenek
1 year ago

Imma ma jaħsibhiex darbtejn biex jixtri mill-PAMA, hux. 🤣

1 year ago

But does this MEP not know that the EU does not investigate groups within a Member State? It can call to task only a Member State. What he could have done was to ask the EU to call to attention the government of Malta about investigating SMEs in Malta. But he would not do that, would he?

1 year ago

What principles exactly does the SME Chamber really expect!?!?

Joe l ghasfur
Joe l ghasfur
1 year ago

Naqbel mal idea ta Agius Saliba. Hawn Malta dahlet il kultura li kulhad irid isir sinjur malajr, ghax il gvern qed jibghat sinjal biex kulhadd jaghmel li jaqbel lillu. L erbgha negozjanti li jimportaw l ikel qed jiftehmu bejnithom u il gvern jew komplici maghhom jew qed jitmelhu bih. Ghadni gej min Sqallija u il prezzijiet tal ikel hafna orhos min Malta.
Il gvern li irid ibelahilna li hu socjalista mohhu biex jintogob ma dawn is sinjuri u ma jridx ixellef difrejh maghom.
Prosit Alex nies bhallek ghandu bzon il partit

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