Former head of news at PBS bags new government job

Former PBS head of news Norma Saliba, who resigned from her post in late July after a fallout with PBS executive chairman Mark Sammut, has bagged another government job and will be serving as the executive head of a newly created ‘Centre of the Maltese Language’ (Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti).

The Centre falls under the remit of National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Minister Owen Bonnici. According to a government press release on Friday, the Centre will be aiding the existing National Council for the Maltese Language in its “administrative and organisational tasks implementing the Maltese national language and identity,” raising questions about the need for the newly created Centre.

According to PBS sources who spoke to The Shift last July, Sammut had already given Saliba several disciplinary warnings over the past months, mainly in relation to insubordination, with her departure being part of a long-drawn-out power struggle between the two.

Saliba’s political appointment by Abela as PBS head of news in 2020 had raised concerns given her history as a ONE TV reporter and considering PBS’s already pro-government leanings. In fact, following her appointment, Saliba’s gatekeeping was seen to have gone a notch further in favour of the Labour Party, with the Broadcasting Authority admonishing PBS on many occasions for bias.

Meanwhile, despite his inexperience in the field, Sammut was appointed PBS chairman in April 2021. Last June, The Shift revealed his double salary as CEO and board chairman.

Sammut also serves as chairman of Malta Med Air and regularly receives direct orders through his private IT businesses.

The Centre of the Maltese Language, on which Saliba will be serving as executive head, was established on Friday through Legal Notice 201 of 2023, which characterises it as “the executive organ” of the already-existing Council and describes Saliba’s role simply as being “responsible for the day-to-day management of the Centre.”

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Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

A rolling stone gathers no moss. But boy does it gather taxpayers’ funds.
Can someone in government come up with her academic qualifications to qualify for this job donation.

Mark Debono
Mark Debono
1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Said

Maybe no academics but she is bloody good at feeding from the trough and that it seems is all you need?

1 year ago

Just another day in Mafialand. God help us!

Mark Amaira
Mark Amaira
1 year ago

Filwaqt li nawguralha, għalija hi daqsxejn ironika li s-Sinjura Saliba qed tikseb din il-kariga meta sa ftit xhur ilu kienet taħseb li l-konsulenza lingwistika ġġibha mgħand l-Akkademja tal-Malti flok mgħand il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti.

Dan meta l-Kunsill tal-Malti kien diġà ilu 15-il sena l-awtorità ewlenija fejn jidħol il-Malti.

Nispera li xxammar il-kmiem għall-ġid tal-Malti li tant inħobb.

1 year ago

Legal Notices. The Dictators tool to do what they like , including changing laws unilaterally despite the original law took arguments and a final vote in Parlament. Then comes the Minister and turns it upside down. If I were PM for a day , I would do three things and the removal of LN is one of the three. The other two are obvious , Fire the AG and Fire the PC.

1 year ago

Would be interesting to have a head count of the number of agencies, foundations, corporations etc etc that have literally mushroomed over these last decades. Every subject matter seems to be regaled with its own Body. Each body will in turn require directors, CEOs, finance chiefs, etc etc etc

1 year ago


1 year ago

Until this Gov is in power these disgraceful things will continue to happen Though we can and must make a drastic change if we really care for our country and our future.

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