Miriam Dalli powers Zurrieq feast with Gladiator 2 generators to save face

Energy Minister Miriam Dalli had Enemalta issue ‘emergency’ direct orders last week for industrial generators being used for the filming of Ridley Scott’s Gladiator 2 to be sent to Zurrieq to provide temporary power for her constituents to celebrate the village feast of Tal-Karmnu.

Dalli is currently facing calls for her resignation over the unprecedented failures of the electricity distribution system over the last week.

The Shift is informed that the beneficiary of Miriam Dalli’s manoeuvre was Nexos Lighting & Video, a company that frequently receives government direct orders and contracts for Labour Party events.

Sources at Enemalta said that Dalli was under immense pressure from her Zurrieq constituency, as the village was one of the main areas suffering long and repeated power cuts that coincided with the village feast.

“The Minister was lucky that Nexos’ industrial power generators being used for the Gladiator 2 set suddenly became available when filming came to an abrupt halt because of the ongoing Hollywood strike. The Minister lost no time having them deployed to Zurrieq at a cost running into tens of thousands of euros a day,” a senior Enemalta officer told The Shift.

The Zurrieq band march was diverted to roads with generator power.

Asked for an explanation of how Zurrieq in particular was chosen for the act of generosity when several other localities in the south had been left without power for long stretches, the minister’s spokesperson did not explain. The spokesperson did confirm the generators were used in Dingli, Msida, Zabbar, Zebbug and Mellieha.

Population growth and a lack of upgrades appear to be main reasons behind the failing distribution system. Enemalta engineers told The Shift on condition of anonymity that both the Minister and CEO Jonathan Cardona, had been warned repeatedly of this coming situation.

“You cannot increase the demand without any plan to upgrade the distribution system,” an experienced engineer told The Shift.

Some of the hardest hit localities in Cottonera are those where there has been no Enemalta investment for years, with their cables and distribution systems dating back to the days of the British era.

“It is not true that the cables were damaged by the high atmospheric temperatures. What happened is that once more people switched on their equipment, the cables could not take the load because they are not made for such a volume.”

All of this is related to the unplanned rise in population and rampant construction, experts insisted.

“If instead of traditional houses you have allowed the construction of 80 flats where a single dwelling once stood, it is obvious that you need to upgrade the infrastructure. However, this was not done,” another engineer said.

They also insisted that the situation would most probably persist.

“Electricity in underground cables is akin to water in a pipe. Constrictions due to ageing, damage, subsidence of road pressure points due to heavy vehicles and other factors cause extreme pressure and damage to the cables,” they said.

“As the electricity supply runs in the damaged portion, it overheats and ignites, resulting in failure.”

“The supply network is not designed to cater for such kVA (amperage) due to rampant construction. The worst is that the network is failing from multiple points after each and every repair, as the weakest point in the network fails, like the weakest link in the chain. A real live domino effect,” they explained.

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saviour mamo
saviour mamo
1 year ago

Underground cables also age with time and this means that no investment had made to replace them. The money was spent, however, to feed the greedy pigs.

1 year ago

Striking consistency with the socialist government’s refusal/inability to answer simple, unloaded questions.

Papal infallibility – anyone?

1 year ago

Miriam Dalli tmexxi politika ghall-allat u politika ghall-annimali.

Robert Abela hu verżjoni aghar ta’ Joseph Muscat…Miriam Dalli tkun verżjoni taghhom iżda aghar minnhom it-tnejn. Kontinwità iżjed medjokri u skandaluża.

Pezza wahda jaqq.

Il-festa t-tajba Mir, jien bhal sehbitek qed naqra ktieb fid-dlam u s-shana.

Joseph Cutajar
Joseph Cutajar
1 year ago

Bhala Zurrieq u partitarju Karmelitan nirringrazzja lil ministru Miriam Dalli ta Dan il-gest sabih.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Cutajar

Ara taqtahulekx issa li ghadiet il festa u malajr tiringrazjaha lil minestra miriam dalli. Insejt li ghamilt 3 iljieli minajr dawl iz Zurrieq??

Last edited 1 year ago by Darren
Joseph Cutajar
Joseph Cutajar
1 year ago
Reply to  Darren

L-aqwa li ghalanqas gawdejna l-festa. Ara fi zmien il-gvern tieghek kien inqata d-dawl lejliet il-festa ta’ Santa Katerina u kellhom jithassru l-attivitajiet kollha.

Lawrence Mifsud
Lawrence Mifsud
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Cutajar

Nibdew naghmlu festa aktar spiss….

Peter Sant
Peter Sant
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Cutajar

Sal ponta ta mnieher tara, sa hemm itik mohhok. Kieku ghandek familjari sptar, fejn tippreferi li hemm id-dawl?

X ma jitlax il-labour

1 year ago

Ah ok. No surprise.

Francis Said
Francis Said
1 year ago

A Public Inquiry headed by experts in the field should be set up to come up with a solid strategy for the short, medium and long term needs for an efficient electricity system.
I would also suggest one for our drainage system, several cases where areas were restricted for swimming due to contamination of the sea.
This rampant overdevelopment and overpopulation cannot continue until our infrastructure is adequate.
Imagine Malta having a population of 800,000 and tourists reaching 4.7 million as stated by the Minister of Finance.
For those of my age it all comes back to the Mintoff era, back to the 70s and 80s.

Carmelo pace hasan
Carmelo pace hasan
1 year ago
Reply to  Francis Said

Many wish to have Mintoff back again.

Mark Bartolo
Mark Bartolo
1 year ago

Some Saints are more equal than others…

Pony Express
Pony Express
1 year ago

Tista titmejjel bin- nies darba, tnejn, tlieta imma ma tistax titmejjel bin -nies il hin kollu……ghidila lill ministra. Il-generators ma kritomx minn butha imma minn butna….fosthom iz zurruqien.

Joseph Cutajar
Joseph Cutajar
1 year ago

Grazzi Miriam.

Joe l ghasfur
Joe l ghasfur
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Cutajar

Ma nahsibx li dil ministru jishoqila grazzi habib. Kull ma ghamlet ghamlitu biex tigbor ftit gieha mahkom iz zrieraq ghax biex terga titla min ghandkom trid.
Il kont tal generators mhux hi se thalsu izda int jien u kull persuna li thallas it taxxi.
Jekk trid turi kemm hi kompetenti u pratika bhala polcy maker sethet hasbet min qabel ghal dawn il problemi ghax kulhadd jaf kif splodiet il popolazjoni
Habib tinsiex li zammit lewis ghajar lil laburisti Gahan.
Tatihx ragun

1 year ago

We want the generator for the Humrun “FESTA” too.

Joseph Cutajar
Joseph Cutajar
1 year ago
Reply to  Martin

if need arises why not.

Toni Borg
Toni Borg
1 year ago
Reply to  Martin

Sorry…Dalli ma togrogx fuq il Hamrun!! 😂😂

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
1 year ago

A very costly hare-brained brainwave – to assuage the effects of an immensely costlier chain of lack of required investment – if ever there was one.

Still, ‘viva fl-festa’. L-aqwa li-march tal-festa sab mnejn jghaddi u li tal-qubbajt, tal-‘hotdogs’ u tal-pastizzi sabu ma xhiex iqabbdu d-dawl!

Last edited 1 year ago by Joseph Tabone Adami
Robbie Tabone
1 year ago

Miriam Dalli: BARRA!

Joseph Cutajar
Joseph Cutajar
1 year ago
Reply to  Robbie Tabone

Dak Adrian Delia gralu hekk habib.

1 year ago

Me thinks it was just a back up plan to save face, nonetheless it doesn’t justify the costs… Where can I send a pic?

David Lindsay
1 year ago
Reply to  sharon

Hi Sharon,
You can send a pic to info@theshiftnews.com

Thank you,

N Scerri
1 year ago

Anki minn din paxxew lin Nexos.Mela tonfoq eluf kbar generators ghal pjazza u familji morda u anzjani ljieli shah purgatorju flok tqabbadom mal generators bhal festa.Missejna taht il qiegh bil Labour fil gvern.

1 year ago
Reply to  N Scerri

Ghal festal taz-Zurrieq nonfqu l-eluf kulljum ghal-generator, biex jghaddi l-march u l-banda, imma ghal dawk l-imsieken nies li fgaw, mixwijin, fis-shana u mietu, le. Tajjeb hux, x-policy tajba din. Id-demm taghhom qed iqattar minn idejhkom. Rega.

Raymond Gerada
Raymond Gerada
1 year ago

And this coincided exactly with the heat wave week? Too far fetched.

1 year ago

The fact that zurrieq is the minister’s constituency is pure co-incidence

Carmelo pace hasan
Carmelo pace hasan
1 year ago

Sewwa ghamlet.mhux hekk kull xhin jigri xi haga titolbu risenja.inthom kemm kontu tirizenjaw.halluna

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