Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife Lydia have had a change of mind for their Xewkija, Gozo property and have now applied to convert the vernacular farmhouse into a fully-fledged guest house.
The latest change of plans follows The Shift’s report last March in which initial plans submitted by Lydia Abela listed a ‘residential development’ that included seven bedrooms – all with en suite bathrooms.
Doubts were cast on the real intentions behind the development and suspicions were raised that a boutique hotel was being developed under the pretext of a residence – to avoid paying higher commercial application fees while also keeping the development low profile.
It now results that soon after The Shift’s first reports, new plans submitted by veteran architect Joe Cassar on behalf of Robert and Lydia Abela were marked as ‘Xewkija Guest House’ instead of the earlier ‘Residential Development’ nomenclature.
The Prime Minister has now effectively declared his intention to become a guest house operator while operating the country at the same time.
The new development application, which is still under consideration by the Planning Authority, includes significant structural changes to the farmhouse that are expected to cost hundreds of thousands of euros.
The Shift is also informed that the Abelas are eyeing the acquisition of fields behind the Xewkija farmhouse to further extend the property but negotiations with the landowners have so far proven difficult.
In addition to the excavation of an underground basement for a gym, spa, indoor pool and wine cellar, the private development being proposed by the Prime Minister also includes an extension at the back overlooking a landscaped garden and additional rooms on the first floor to extend the 560 square metre plot into a seven-bedroom guest house.
This is the second large private development the Prime Minister and his family are financing.
The Planning Authority approved the Abelas’ plans to raze a villa on a two-tumolo Outside Development Zone site in Zejtun and rebuild it from scratch with a large pool and extensive gardens.
No construction has taken place on the site so far.
According to his latest declaration of assets, Robert and Lydia Abela own three properties.
In addition to their matrimonial home in Marsascala, a seafront penthouse, they also declared their Xewkija farmhouse, now to be converted into a business venture and the Zejtun property, which was acquired under dubious circumstances in 2017. The sum declared by the Abelas was €600,000 while the property’s market value is estimated at over €2 million.
He needs something to do when he steps down or resigns!!
And how will that happen?
Won’t be anyone’s surprise if like the Gozo minister’s wife and the ex minister Grech’s siblings these greedy Abelas will get some €500000 european funds for this project.
The Shift team please follow this up .
It’s so good to be “The Kink”
L’ aqwa Zmien.
He is a construction developer himself hiding his name after other developers! They are also doing business with public land hiding after friends!
So who 😂 s paying for the this ,yes the poor Maltese people , who are struggling with low wages and high rents
To the owner of the fields next to Abela! Please do not sell to this corrupt person!
It’s handy to be buddy buddy with the developers.
I wonder how this project will be financed.
Malta needs unexplained wealth laws!
Meta se jinghalaq dan il-Kapitlu aghar minn ta’ qablu? Meta se nibdew niehdu ftit tar-ruh? Meta se nibdew nghixu ftit normalità Ewropea? Nies mejtin bil-guh u bl-intenzjoni li jqarrqu u jigdbu l-hin kollu. Il-poplu ma jirrealizzax li Iż-Żmien Sabih li weghduna mhu xejn hlief “never a dull moment”?
Meta il poplu jiftaħ għajnejh.
Għandek raġun biex tbigħ. Bħalek naħsibha jien. Ma nafx meta n-nies ser jirrealizzaw li dal-gvern qed jgħaddi romblu minn fuq kulħadd u jekk jiddeċiedu li ma jivvutawx, ikunu xorta qed ilestulhom it-triq għal rebħ oħra mimlija qerq!!
Any EU funds?
Still a bit early to apply, but there will be for sure.
Will he apply for EU funds to conceal black money he may also use? EU funds proving very convenient to launder ask Refalo.
Heqq halluh miskin
“Si ille et ille, cur non ego?”
How much income tax does he declare because these their cost goes into millions no.
Next he will apply for EU funds to make it sustsinable
Surprise, surprise, and here’s me thinking all those ensuite rooms were for the many disinterested bosom buddies of bobby.