Redundant Air Malta workers paid an average of €175,000 each

Millions more to be paid in state salaries for extra transferred workers


The Treasury Department has already issued a total of €61 million in redundancy payments for 351 former Air Malta employees who have resigned.

Taxpayers will meanwhile be spending an additional €10 million a year on government salaries for another 200 ‘extra’ airline employees who have been placed on the State payroll.

The imminent closure of Air Malta as revealed last Saturday by The Shift is expected to cost the public coffers several million more euros in redundancy payments and state aid for the new airline to be set up shortly.

All staff still on the airline’s books by then are expected to be laid off, with some benefitting from payment packages running close to a million euros.

According to the latest figures published in Parliament following questions tabled by Opposition MP Ivan Castillo, the government has so far paid an average of €175,000 each to the 351 airline employees who took up the early redundancy scheme.

A total of €60,836,332 has been paid and the process is now considered closed.

The 351 employees form part of a total of 577 who had applied to an alternative job scheme launched by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana before the last general election.

But just after that Caruana tried to change the scheme into a one-time redundancy payment. While some accepted, another 226 refused, with the minister having to reverse the decision.

The 226 extra Air Malta workers were then given permanent government employment on the same conditions they had at the airline, which will cost the government an extra €10 million in salaries.

Air Malta sources told The Shift that Minister Caruana is now considering paying tens of millions more to the rest of the current Air Malta staff, who are expected to be made redundant by the end of the year.

Pilots, the costliest employees of the airline, are insisting in behind-closed-doors negotiations with the minister on stratospheric payments of between €750,000 and €1 million each to relinquish their right to a unique early retirement scheme negotiated with disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi and his then-consultant and current Prime Minister Robert Abela, in 2017.

The scheme, which Caruana described as ‘madness’, guarantees pilots the same take-home pay that they currently receive until retirement age – even if they don’t do any work at all. The minister is at present contemplating buying out the pilots’ ‘rights’ with still more taxpayer funds.

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Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
1 year ago

Who was it who craftily chuckled “AHLEB, GUZ!” back in the merry 1970’s while that year’s ‘gift-laden’ budget was being solemnly announced to a salivating populace by the then Minister of Finance?

Last edited 1 year ago by Joseph Tabone Adami
Carmelo Borg
1 year ago

Mela dawn tawhom rigal Jew BONUS Extra ghax grazzi ghal ministri tax ZEWG NAHAT kienu jivvutawlil Dak il ministru. Ghara ma jigiex xi PAMPALUN nazzjonalist u jipprova iwahhal fil labour Jew xi LABURIST uiwahhal fil PN. VERU UKOLL LI DAK LI SAB LIL ALLA LI STAR KONRAD MIZZI MHUX MUMBAI JEW JFK RIED IMMUR KIF QAL IMMA WADDABNA F ABISS U ALLA JIBIEREK GHADU I GAWDI IL LIBERTA

Ray Mifsud
Ray Mifsud
1 year ago
Reply to  Carmelo Borg

Jghidu car min ghamel dawn id deals.

Lawrence Mifsud
Lawrence Mifsud
1 year ago

Will workers keep their redundancy payout when they rejoin AirMalta2 on some midnight when assets less debts are transfered to AirMalta 2?

1 year ago

Kif trid l’Airmalt ma tmurx lura bhal GRANG. Jekk kienu jidhlu nies tal-qalba. Niftakar wahda li wiehed haddiem, li ma kellux idea ta’xejn fl’inginerija. Kien jahdem mar-rampa. Irranga jahdem l’inginerija fil-WB. Wara xi sena telgha grad ta’technician. It-tajbin f’xogholhom meta raw din il-mossa, bdew jitilqu wiehed. Min taghrif li smajt, kienet li kienet gejja min barra, politiku Ministru.

1 year ago

Wara ftit snin fl’Airmalta skond fejn tkun, kont trid tkun widna, jghidu bil-malti ta’min hu fuqek.

Anne R. key
Anne R. key
1 year ago

In other government Authorities, the workers are being deprived of allowances they had fought for tooth and nail in the past. Their take home pay is nowadays much less then it was several years ago, simply because they are not partying with the Gahan.

1 year ago

This is highway robbery.
So acting as an ass licker to ministers so that they get elected into parlament who in turn employ you into a cracked government run entity , guarantees you thousands when the whole entity sinks. Should we tax payers go to court to stop this racket?
Anybody in private industry who stopped operating m got thousands when redundant?

1 year ago

How is that possible? Redundancy is usually 1 months salary for every year worked after 3 years and up to a maximum of 6 months salary!
My next question is why is aw company that is being effectively wound up due to debts and bad management able to pay Redundancy and not their debtors ??

1 year ago
Reply to  Aggie

It’s not the company that’s paying but the taxpayer

1 year ago

Placed on the state payroll without the necessary qualification and triple the salary,

Make your votes count!

Joe l ghasfur
Joe l ghasfur
1 year ago

Issa giet ghasfur tac comb. Mintoff waqafa u kellu jkun gvern korrot laburista li jaghlaqa wara 50 sena. Kif ma jafux jisthu dal pampaluni laburisti mafjusi. Mur gib lil Mintof ghadu haj.

Joe Inguanez
Joe Inguanez
1 year ago

What about nurses going up in their demands? How many employees in the history of Air Malta been punished for in anyway “harm” the airline + the country !!!! I mean from Heads to Toes

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